[hider=Knife Thrower: Electric Boogaloo] [center][img]https://epic7x.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/silver-rain.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200309/647f47ffb95676cee346fd02c9f277f9.png[/img][/center] [Color=gray][b] 20 Years Old | 5’9 | AB-[/b] [Sub][b][color=crimson] A P P E R A N C E [/color][/b][/sub] [I][indent]Asa stands at the average height of 5'9 which is enhanced a few inches more by her special-crafted heels she struts around in. She has a gymnasts physique, her muscle tone is lithe with each fiber of muscle taut and springy with her diet and workouts focusing on increased agility more than anything. Her complexion is pasty ivory with peach and pink undertones, though most of that is covered with flashy clothing from various provinces of Rassvet. Asa's facial profile is youthful as each feature is rounded and full, the only telling of her age being the carnivorous golden eyes imbued in her almond shaped sockets. Her hair is a long, well-maintained mane of flowing raven strands that are routinely brushed every morning and often tied into twin-tails with fancy elastics decorated with red hued oriental flowers. Red seemed to be this WARDEN member's color of preference when she wasn't in the unit's typical uniform- which was dyed cooler grays and blues, to her dismay. [/indent][/I] [Sub][b][color=crimson] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/color] [/b][/sub] [I][indent]Asa is a firecracker. Explosive, energetic, loud, it's difficult to find a moment of peace with her around and honestly she is fully aware that it can be off-putting for some and she doesn't care. Typically she falls into one of two states of being: abrasive raging lunatic, and hyper-emotional crybaby. Though, this does not prevent her from being an effective member of WARDEN and Asa's high energy go-go-go mindset is fully taken advantage of by the strategists of her team. She is fully aware that she is seen as a tool and plays her role in whatever mission she is tasked with to her highest potential, and does so happily to keep her position intact. While her time in time in Aporia was short, she also carries a lot of traits found in its citizens. She's incredibly materialistic and enjoys glamorous items and things of high monetary value that may not even have use to her, and Asa has even responded to someone taking these things from her with hostility. But she's cunning to a degree, and knows when to don the facade of whatever her supervisors wish her to be- until they turn their heads and she's right back to normal. Despite everything, she sees the [u]Barghest Squad[/u] as her family and wouldn't sell them out despite any of her tendencies mentioned. [/indent][/I] [Sub][b][color=crimson] B A C K G R O U N D [/color] [/b][/sub] [I][Indent]Aporia, a bustling metro-city filled to the brim with people of every walk of life. There are spires towering into the sky, red light districts open all night long, all of which are mostly owned and controlled by the Etherium Barons that turned the city into the capitalistic hub that it is today. Which has its boons and drawbacks, there is no shortage of jobs in Aporia and if you're willing to slave yourself away to the whim of the elite you will have food on the table with little-to-no issue. But should you decide to try and take a piece of the pie they enjoy hoarding among themselves, they'll hire deathdealers to invade your home in the middle of the night and take what you have and what you love. There are those who stand their ground against the status quo, like the Mata Clan for instance. They've been around since the founding of Aporia, Yuta Mata even refined the mortar that was used to build many of the oldest walls in the city. Currently Shiro Mata runs the Mata Arms Company in its shanty little corner of the city slums, but despite the location- the company is pretty well known in Rassvet for their reliability and "classic mechanical look". They clan can't afford to innovate or branch out due to the tendrils of these Etherium Barons reaching so deeply throughout Aporia, higher quality resources are sold at higher premiums to non-surrogate businesses they control and thus Mata must utilize scrapped metals and Levistone that they find themselves. Shiro's wife Rika typically hires a team to head out into the boonies and seek out what she can scrounge up, returning to the Mata Arms Shop with what she finds to produce their products. Weapon aficionados call these armaments "Artisan Weapons" due to the fact that they are still made by hand, forgoing the manufacturing em-masse that a lot of other companies have turned to for efficiency. Shiro and Rika are Asa's grandparents, and the shop is where she was raised for the early years of her life alongside her mother and father who worked there. Her time in the slums wasn't bad though, kids there build cliques early on and learn to find fun where they can make it- resourcefulness is good for building character. Her grandfather was definitely someone she looked up to in her youth, he had pride in his work and despite his age worked his greasy arms off from dawn to dusk without taking any breaks and was meticulous with every detail of each sword, gun, or explosive he created. Grandma Rika called him an artist, constantly experimenting with different minerals to find some breakthrough in his work to keep customers enticed in the company name and his craft. If Asa perhaps lived in a parallel universe where the establishment hadn't hounded out gifted youths at the ripe age of ten years old, perhaps she would have risen to be some weaponsmithing prodigy like her grandfather! The old geezer once even said that "If anyone steals this company from under me, it'd be you Asa." But the suited men did arrive on that fated day, and Asa passed all of their evaluations. She was peeled away from her family, and while there was some resistance- they all knew the repercussions of trying to keep her from the WARDENs and eventually pushed the girl to go to the Citadel peacefully. Her training started quite rough seeing as Asa didn't really want to be there, and thus resulted in a lot of pressure from the instructors who were already quite harsh on the new recruits. Asa constantly whiffed a lot of the courses in the first year and there were moments when she intentionally tried to thoughtlessly be removed from the program, but it was seeing the perseverance of people like Lance Bennett and Ray Hopkins that actually influenced her to apply herself in the program. When she actually began to push herself in training she quickly rose to be one of the best students in CQC, her body was unusually flexible and she could take a hit- due to stubbornness or not. Knife Combat in particular seemed to be her calling as she even in her earlier years take on some of the more athletic instructors on in mock knife fights. She was good with her hands making martial arts come easy, and mechanical work a breeze as well. When it came to magic she at first didn't seem to have much talent for it, the concept of harnessing mist and utilizing it wasn't something that the loudmouth could wrap her head around. But eventually she felt something like thread, difficult to even detect and it was fleeting- sometimes it was there and others it wasn’t. The instructors in Citadel told her that many mist sensitive detect via different senses, seeing it, hearing it, smelling it even, and sometimes through touch. When she told one instructor Ada Matic, she was pressed to do everything she could to grab hold of that thread and eventually she found that this was all it took to be able to procure a result from harnessing the mist. At first she would be able to move things using the mist with some simple telekinesis, she learned that if she visualized the thread of mist touching what she wished to move it became easier to manipulate. Then came teleportation, which came from visualizing a location that the thread touched, mentally equating to “pulling herself” to the location. The last thing that she really shined with was lightning magic, which was a hot tip from the same instructor Asa hit it off with before. Thinking of the mist thread as a wire to guide lightning projected to a target, though she utilized this more as a stunning deterrent rather than a purely offensive option. Nonetheless! Finding all these skills and working hard at mastering them really warmed Asa up to the lifestyle as a WARDEN, and now she happily works alongside her companions to the best of her ability.[/indent][/I] [Sub][b][color=crimson] C O M B A T [/color] [/b][/sub] [I][indent] Asa is a close-to-mid range fighter with an emphasis on quick and lethal actions to dispatch numerous targets in high efficiency. Her firearm of choice is two Mata Pistols that utilize coarsely-refined levistone to project small concentrated blasts into opponents in close proximity. While not relying on typical ammunition the concoction that fuels these firearms is prone to overheating the weapons, meaning that while highly effective in short bursts- they cannot be used excessively in long duration and if pushed too far can even backfire causing damage to Asa herself. What Asa is more so known for are the twenty thin blades strung around her person, of which are where her magic prowess comes into play. Teleportation, telekinesis, and lightning emission are where Asa shines bright. She is able to freely manipulate these blades freely and launch them up to fifty yards away, each blade is imbued with a levistone attuned to Asa which she can quickly teleport to freely- blinking between different locations over short periods of time. She’s also able to guide lightning to these blades and also produce a strong electromagnetic pulse from her hands, both of which are good for stunning enemies and deterring their equipment. What this combination amounts to is a highly-mobile assailant capable of swiftly navigating the battlefield and disposing over numerous low-defense enemies at a time. This makes her incredibly optimized for infiltration and other covert operations, though some of her personality barriers do hold her back in that regard.[/indent][/I] [Sub][b][color=crimson] N O T E S [/color] [/b][/sub] [I][indent]• Asa keeps in contact with her whole family and many of the friends she left behind before joining WARDEN. • She is also known to be incredibly prone to getting into other people’s business and documenting gossip in a journal she keeps in her quarters. • Over the years her grandfather has sent a few experimental ideas to his granddaughter in the citadel. The Mata Pistols and her four Levistone Imbued Blades are both made by him, donning the Mata Clan emblem. Family: - Shiro Mata "Grandpa" - Rika Mata "Grandma" - Hiei Mata "Father" - Ari Mata "Mother"[/indent][/I] [Sub][b][color=crimson] R E L A T I O N S H I P S [/color][/b][/sub] [I][indent]Galahad : Mr. Know it All, Mr. Fancy Pants, Mr. "My Dad's Influential". But he's a good dude, and I honestly couldn't see anyone else leading me into battle but him. Gal's a genius when it comes to magic, so he's -super- useful on the battlefield too! Zak : This fucking guy. "Lance" as he calls himself now, name changing in your twenties dude, come on. Buy I love him, honestly we met a party where he introduced himself and proceeded to hit on me- and then I kicked him in his gingerdick. He's a kindred spirit to me though! We have very complimentary personalities and he's my wingman when I go on the prowl![/indent][/I] [/Color][/hider]