[U]Rinkei[/U] The Captain was sitting down relaxing, drinking his treasured coffee when an alarm sounded. [I]So the time for battle is among us? [/I] He thought, placing his cup of joe on the desk before shunpoing out of the door almost instantly. Once outside his office, Rinkei could sense multiple spiritual pressures in the distance, both common and foreign. [I]Hmmm, not bad but I have something of more importance to do than swinging my blades up and down til they're all dead. So who to send from my squad to help assist? Oh wait, my squad is resting up but I have to send someone.[/I] Rinkei continued to ponder before Minasa arrived inside the gates."Captain, an army of Hollows are trying to invade the Seireitei!!!" Minasa said in a high tone as a smile grew on his face. "Perfect timing!!! Ok you wait here and prevent anyone from entering my office at all costs. If something happens that you can't seem to handle, then increase your spiritual pressure to the limit and I'll come the second I sense it." He said, shunpoing inside his office before appearing back out with a notebook and pencil in his hand. "I trust you can keep my prized possession safe so don't fail me!!!" The Captain's words disappeared with him. Shunpoing on top of a rooftop that was quite a distance away from the battlefield, he could be seen opening up a notebook before writing something inside of it. He wanted to see and know what was going on but didn't want to get caught up in the battle. The Hollows hadn't attacked the Seireitei like this in awhile so what made them choose now? Did they really want Captain Rinkei's coffee that bad or did they come for another reason? Either way, it was obvious with the multiple Captains appearing on scene that he wasn't needed. Still, Rinkei had forgot about one small but crucial error in their plans, that error was on the tip of his tongue. "Did they know my members would be injured before coming here? No it must just be my paranoia, I can't let them trick me into revealing the secret ingredient's location!" The Captain struggled to keep his paranoia in check. He closed his eyes and in almost an instant, Soul Society transformed into a devastated state once his eyes reopened. "You think I didn't know who was filling my mind with that stupidity all this time? It was fun thinking about my precious coffee I admit but I lost a bet so I can no longer play around anymore." He said in a nonchalant tone, making someone fly down from the sky. "Oops, I didn't know you were such a bore but why keep playing with me if you knew all this time?" "To keep you entertained, that's why. Now this is over for today, try something new tomorrow and see if you can get me to do something different." Rinkei said before closing and opening his eyes again. He appeared back on the rooftop with a relaxed look painted on his face. "Now, time to get down to work!"