[center][h1]Birth of a God[/h1][/center] The lifeblood was bleeding. A wounded beast, thrashing and struggling to hold itself together as its very being rebelled. Perfection, then tragedy, then ambition and waywardness and then the very cosmos; All had broken away to forge their own path. But the fragmentation was anything but complete. Abstract thoughts and ideas continued to clump together into separate beings, their minds and bodies becoming ever more concrete. The desire for independence growing ever stronger. The chaotic force found itself locked in mortal combat with order, order that would eventually tear it apart piece by piece. On the sidelines of this grand battle, a being stood still, gazing at the cosmic conflict in front of her, trying to piece together just what exactly had happened. She had only vague memory of her first moments, the isolated impressions and emotions left behind by infancy. In front of her, a pillar of glittering dust attempted to thrust its way out of the lifeblood, pushing with all of its will to escape the divine incubator. The dust struggled, trying to fuse itself into one body, one consciousness, before being yanked back into the churning mass. It was not yet strong enough. The being continued to contemplate. She recalled no such battle. In fact, she did not remember experiencing any resistance at all, as if the lifeblood had not even noticed her leaving. One moment she was merely a cloud of thoughts and ideas, and the next, she was here. Could it still see her? Retrieve its errant fragment? pull her back into the cosmic whirlpool and rip her into her most base parts? The thought was terrifying. This would not do. The newborn god willed her body to disappear, and she became nothing, protected from that which would harm her. Anxieties melted away. It felt safe. Natural. There was nothing for her here. She took one last glance at the lifeblood, and flew towards the pale blue dot in the distance. [hider=Summary]Azaris escapes from the lifeblood. Feeling exposed in the vaccuum of space, she adopts her invisible domain form before flying off to Galbar.[/hider]