[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200224/137f1ef03115e082ec2e15c1c3d9e2f0.png[/img][/center] Joss didn’t quite take cues as you would think someone would from another who apparently didn’t want them around. However, they both had been friends for as long as could be remembered, so the Driver only assumed Olivia was merely in a foul “mood” due to work-related stress. “Yeah, yeah.” Joss sighed, never really taking their friend all that seriously. I mean, going through boring papers couldn’t have been much fun for anyone. “You lead an exciting life.” While they weren’t especially good at conveying their emotions, Joss had a thing for Olivia, ever since that one kiss a few years back that made things awkward, but also made them think that there could be so much more to their relationship beyond the [i]friend zone[/i]. But it also seemed that Olivia was always busy, or simply never around, which made it much harder to actually do anything. “I miss you, Liv.” The other finally said, fidgeting with their fingers anxiously just before the food arrived, and was set down near the edge of the table. Joss took a few sips of the coffee, making an almost sensual moaning sound as they tasted the bit of chocolate infused into the drink. “Holy shit, I am so in love with their coffee like everytime.” Unwrapping the breakfast sandwich, Joss looked up at their friend, who apparently was still enveloped into their work, and then looked back down at the sandwich before taking a few bites. “So…” They said with a mouthful. “When are we going to hang out again?” It had been ages since they both hung out, maybe almost a year or so, if memory served. Joss had been busy over the last year, making runs for various clients, picks-up, drop-offs, and of course, the handful of times they’d park outside a bank or jewelry store waiting to drive off with passengers who had just robbed those very places. There was never anything glamourous about their career, but it paid, and paid well nevertheless. Joss was a great driver, and their employers -as well as the competition- knew it.