[color=f49ac2]“Are you upset with me?”[/color] Iris sighed softly as she looked over at Ethan, although the TV was on and she could hear the muffled sounds of whomever was talking about the current state of Aspiria. [color=f49ac2]“I am sorry… I don’t want to hurt anyone, but…”[/color] “Save it. I don’t want to hear it. I shouldn’t be mad at you, but I am. I know deep down it’s not your fault… I guess.” Ethan sighed heavily cutting her off, hands running through his dark blonde locks as his tired eyes looked over at Iris. Deep down he knew it wasn’t her fault, he knew that she had lost her memories and he shouldn’t hold that against her. “It’s bad of me to keep holding it against you, but I get so mad when I see you flirting with him. The way you should have been with me, but I feel like that’s lost now.” Feeling a pang of guilt Iris couldn’t help but wince at his honest words feeling as if they cut her like a blade would. She hadn’t meant to hurt him, that was never her intention but again that was never her attention with Cas either and he was another one that she was about to hurt. [color=f49ac2]“I’m sorry.”[/color] Her blue eyes were downcast as she looked at her hands as if they would give her the answers she needed or the rights words to say to him, but they didn’t. All she could do was say sorry and to her it only made things worse. [color=f49ac2]“I never expected all this to happen, but honestly Cas saved my life. The Prince could have left me in that forest or called the guards to see to it I was dealt with. Hand that have happened I would have had no one to vouch for me. I don’t know what would have happened.”[/color] “I understand, I get it. He [i]saved[/i] your life but look at all the other lives he isn’t saving. He isn’t actively helping them, and they are just as much as his people as the royals and high borns here.” Ethan spat his words out, he knew the Prince had saved her life and yes, he was thankful, but it didn’t excuse all the others lives they had lost. “He thinks of us as a [b]disease[/b], we are called the scourge. [i]Terrorists[/i]. Do you think he will still like you if he knew the truth? You are the daughter of a powerful movement in our district. The minute he finds out who you are he will through you to the dungeon.” Looking away as he looked up at the TV to see the Prince on screen, the very person he had come to hate. “Look at him, standing there all important, about to announce how he has kept the city safe. Can’t even catch the last two.” Scoffing his words as he folded his arms but continued to watch the screen for the speech. [color=f49ac2]“I know, you’re right.”[/color] Iris sighed heavily, Caspain would never like her not after all of this. It had been nice at least, to hang around with him, enjoy her time without a care in the world and she knew she would treasure those memories. [color=f49ac2][i]Although I probably shouldn’t. I need to just forget about him.[/i][/color] Turning her gaze to the TV she saw Cas standing in front of the mass crowd, on a podium ready to address the public. All dressed up in his no doubt expensive suit and he looked so important, [color=f49ac2][i]he is very important.[/i][/color] Biting her lip as she saw people desperately wanting a comment from him before the speech, something they could turn into some sort of gossip she was certain of it. Then he spoke, she heard his voice through the speakers of the TV in the room and she tried not to smile out how confident he sounded. Before he had left, she knew he was nervous about it and it was just nice to see him do well. Listening intently, she watched the TV catching site of Ethan lean forward on his hands focusing on the words he spoke too as if looking for some sort of hidden message beneath them. Shaking her head slightly she listened at the way he called them the Scourge, the war between them and how there had been an attempt on the Kings life. “What does he mean by that, never have to worry about these terrorists again?” Ethan narrowed his eyes speaking to himself as he analysed the words. Not moments later his face turned into a frown at how the other two had been apprehended and interrogated thoroughly. “What information did he gain? Names… I bet there was names.” Muttering to himself as he watched the Prince pause from his speech. [color=f49ac2]“Names? Surely If my name had been let slip, I’d be in a cell right now and you with me.”[/color] Iris exclaimed looking over at Ethan as she listened to his commentary on the speech. [color=f49ac2]“He must be just saying that to ease their concerns, they probably didn’t learn anything.”[/color] “Shh” Ethan whispered as he held his hand up to stop Iris from talking as they both looked back at the screen. [color=f49ac2]“N-No!... he wouldn’t! He couldn’t… he…”[/color] Iris felt her heart stop and her eyes widened in shock at the TV when Caspain had spoken about the fate of the other two in custody. The two that had risked their lives to find her with Ethan and Tom. [color=f49ac2]“I… no.”[/color] Looking distraught at the screen she felt her stomach churn from the food she had earlier, the feeling of nausea returning as she tried to comprehend his words. “I knew it.” Ethan spoke slowly his voice cold as he stared at the screen, all emotion drained from his face as he watched the crowd roar at approval. The others agreeing with his decision to have two innocent people killed, they had not tried to kill the King. They had only one mission and that was to find Iris. “I told you, he is not like us. This is all just a charm of his. To lure you in.” [color=f49ac2]“I…”[/color] Her voice wavered as she looked from Ethan to the TV but she let out a little sob when she saw two headshots appear on a massive screen behind him, pointing towards it as she saw a picture of Ethan and Thomas. [color=f49ac2]“That’s you… they have your picture… we… we a-are not safe.”[/color] She felt her body began to tremble as everything swirled around in her head trying to comprehend what was happening. Ethan felt the guilt as he watched her go into overdrive, usually she would be calm, but he could only imagine that this was a part of her not knowing her full memories. Everything had to be different, but he shook his head before moving next to her on the sofa and wrapped his arms around her, fingers moved to play with her hair soothing it as he tried to calm her. “Shh.. it’s okay. We will get out of here. Together. You see now don’t you. The importance of that mission you were sent here on.” Whispering his words into her ear knowing that this would be exactly what he needed to have her on his side. To get her to his side of the plan and kill the Prince. “He needs to be stopped. We have to stop him. You have to stop him.” Feeling her nod her head whilst in his arms only made him beam with pride, he felt like he had restored everything as if it would not go back to normal.