[img]https://i.ibb.co/rtvdswm/divider-line-02.png[/img] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cd4y4K5.jpg[/img][/center][img]https://i.ibb.co/rtvdswm/divider-line-02.png[/img][color=fff79a]“Well...this isn’t looking too good.”[/color] For the greater half of the battle, the [url=https://i.imgur.com/q5KkDXD.png]SS Silencia[/url] and her crew remained independent of the strife that rocked the world below. Still very much cloaked and still very much high above the clouds, the screens that filled up HART’s headquarters served well in keeping up live updates regarding the situation. Tomoko watched intently with a fist against the bottom of her chin. She winced when the MFF, bullies as they were, unleashed their attack now on Yeshua, uncaring who was friend or foe. [color=fff79a]“Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to send them out on their own. It’s bad enough the MFF are hellbent on hunting them,”[/color] she said quietly. As if to confirm at least someone wasn’t in danger, she briefly looked around for Eris, before noting the other girl had to still be on the ship somewhere. Looking back to the screens, she sighed, joined by the grim collection of the ship’s staff as they too discussed amongst themselves what to do. Intervention came with a price- [color=dodgerblue]“I don’t doubt the strength of the MFF. They’re as relentless as they are resourceful.”[/color] Tomoko bolted upright in her seat, not expecting to hear someone answer her mutterings, especially HART’s leader. She followed the line of sight, people slowly turning upwards to one of the room’s balconies where their leader stood. Cross-armed, they watched the resounding battle with their usual stoic front. [color=dodgerblue]“But don’t underestimate the power those girls have either. We need to remember they still hold secrets and abilities no one truly understands.”[/color] [color=fff79a]“With all due respect Ace Commander…shouldn’t we still do [i]something[/i]?”[/color] Tomoko asked. She felt like biting back the words as soon as they slipped out. Indeed, intervention would compromise their secrecy and the veil of intent they’d hidden from the world for so long. To do so now would be to jeopardize the lives of everyone who signed up for this organization to the shadows. But much to her surprise, she was rewarded not with rebuke, but with a smirk by their leader. [color=dodgerblue]“Yes, it is only fair we give them a helping hand. Despite their looks and their powers, there’s something fundamentally human about the GMGs. HART has remained in the shadows for too long.”[/color] With a flare, the Ace Commander outstretched his hand to address all in his radius. [color=dodgerblue]“Lower our cloaking and scramble our pilots. Today we show the MFF that the GMGs aren’t their only enemy!”[/color] With a sense of reinvigoration flowing in the air, the SS Silencia’s crew did as they were told, Tomoko still reeling at how that had actually worked. It wasn’t long then before a slew of missiles rained down from the sky, countering those fired by the MFF. A party of jets soon after rocketed outwards from the clouds, cruising around Yeshua and giving her support. [color=fff79a]“Remember, these are all your fellow humans. Shoot to disable weaponry and vehicles but keep your shots non-lethal and below the belt. Split your forces in groups of two to help out friendlies and search for any stragglers evacuating,”[/color] ordered Tomoko. [b]“Yes m’am!”[/b] [img]https://i.ibb.co/rtvdswm/divider-line-02.png[/img]