Heya, I'd love to try out a D&D campaign! I have a tiny bit of experience, having participated in a few campaigns before (though for varying reasons, most didn't go very far), always as a player. First, though, I would like to ask: Would the RP be session-based or play-by-post? I live with other people, so I can't voice chat, and even without voice chat, sessions can be very difficult due to requiring a long time commitment, which is made extra difficult by conflicting time-zones. Also, there is a homebrew rule that I usually like to have. The usual point-buy system has you set a minimum of points for each stat to 8, however as a mostly roleplay-focused player I find this to be rather restricting. If you're at 8 intelligence you may be a little slow, but you can't be an outright idiot for instance. 8 strength is weaker than most, but you don't exactly have straw for arms. As such, I usually request for a homebrew change allowing players to bring some of their stats under 8. If those points can be used elsewhere is a nice bonus, but the important thing is to accentuate that weakness. Would this be acceptable? As for which campaign I'd like, Dungeon of the Mad Mage would be the best due to starting at a higher level (speaking personally of course), but I'd be pretty fine with almost all of these. The only one I'd really rather not do is Acquisitions Incorporated, as I hear it works really outside the scope of usual D&D.