[h1][b][i][color=olivedrab][center]Ansgar Staudinger[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] Once the mechanic was left alone in the engine room, he paused for a few, scant moments to ensure there was no sudden turn around, then wearily leaned against the nearest sturdy piece of machinery that [i]wasn't[/i] going to scald him and groaned under his breath. He ached all over, more so where the insulated clothing had been impacted by sparking equipment as it had been breaking down, and he desperately needed this scant few minutes of catching his breath. With a grunt he forced himself back to work, expression resettling to his usual, almost eternally semi irritated look that he had been wearing as of late. With the engines at full stop, he could at least implement some emergency patches and reworking, grumbling under his breath the whole time. First was patching the god forsaken electrical system that had nearly burnt out from that merry hell he'd done to it from the shield emergency, working on live wires was dangerous, but they really couldn't bring them offline right now. Not without risking pirates again. Making sure he was grounded and properly dressed, Ansgar ducked back under the deckplates with a non conductive set of tools, grumbling and cursing amidst the sounds of sparks and other general indications that both electrical and mechanical systems were not in a good state of repair right now. They would remain functional, but functional and good repair were two completely different things. Anyone coming into the engine room looking for the mechanic would likely have to track the sounds of improvised repairs, cursing, and the like to wherever he was beneath the deck plates of the engine room floor. For the time being, that was the priority, then he would begin working from there. And that didn't even include the necessary repairs and such that would be required for the last leg of getting into port. Once there, then the real sleepless nights would begin.