I think there's been a slight misunderstanding, and I wanted to bring this up when [@Enkryption] mentioned that other Chapter Keepers having minions made Chuunitrixx feel redundant, but I was busy. Salem's minions don't actually belong to Salem, and Salem has no actual ability to create or manipulate the minions of The City of Lost Things, except through bullying and threats, violence, and flaunting Salem's position as Dr.Drd's favorite. The minions belong to The City as part of an abandoned experiment; the Factory creates them at a regulated rate based on material intake and The City collects and recycles the dead ones back to the Factory as raw material. Sure, Salem can pick up the minions, shake them about, and toss them, but actual commands must be given verbally and have a chance to fail if the minion decides that obeying Salem is counter to self-preservation. Usually the minions obey since their lives are short and painful anyways. Salem's really just a bully, but not an actual leader, and doesn't have real minion-controlling or minion-creating powers or abilities. Just a minor clarification.