Unlike others present, Sgt. Cestarn was relieved to maintain custody of his old equipment, uniform included, though he still would likely need to restock on munitions and other general supplies, something that he could do once released. The command squad seemed to be an odd mixture of people he'd seen the prior night, and notably their company had received the relative short end of the stick when it came to supplies, since it seemed no one in this part of his new tribe had been given the same garb and kit as the rest of the tribe carried. Still, it seemed they were going to be receiving orders as his new commanding officer turned to face them, and dispatched orders. Forty five minutes, then report to the training yard to assess the present skills. Smart, better to know what each person could do before the next conflict arrived. Or, they arrived at it, but regardless, the Sergeant had his marching orders. First off, he needed to restock, and a quick run to the kit master would see to that. Since he wasn't angling for new kit, it wasn't hard to resupply, just replacing lost ammo and managing to talk the man into enough basic supplies to last for a reasonable amount of time. Beyond that, he'd have to scavenge, but that was common enough practice for the man. After all, his own current armor and supply of explosives was pretty much salvaged and repainted kit from the dead. Not like any of them needed it anymore, after all, so no sense leaving it about to be wasted or spend Father knows how long wasting away in some storage building before maybe, eventually, ending up reissued to another tribe. Wasteful, so Rojack and others of his old tribe would salvage what they could get their hands on and make good use of it for the Father's sake. Shaking the thoughts from his head, the Sergeant figured he would head for the training yard early, shake some of the stiffness out of his limbs before everyone else arrived. Wouldn't hurt, and wouldn't do to be flat footed when being tested by a new tribe leader. Upon his arrival he would set his kit within quick reach, before going about stretching and working off any previous stiffness or rust from last night's festivities. Would be poor form to get out of practice so soon, when they were being sent to war in another part of Father's realm. He may not enjoy the sky ships, but he went where called. With that, he'd focus on his drills, mostly in close quarters, demonstrating a mix of well drilled, and the feral savagery, of a tribe world guardsman.