[quote=@Stormflyx] Regarding your writing a long backstory; it's actually one of the things that I liked the most about your sheet because it showed me immediately how passionate and into the character you are. While I've critiqued it, yes, your level of detail shows that you have this character really thought through. I can guess that you've played out his story in your mind many times and I love that. As a GM, I tend to push my players to scale back but that is simply my own preference and nothing more than that. I can see from this sheet that you really care about this character, and that's half the battle when roleplaying, in my opinion. So many times I've thought of a concept for a character and I create the sheet and it just lacks that... [i]Zest[/i] and without the zest the character has no longevity, and I grow bored of playing them. Your sheet is crammed with zest and I love to see it. :) [/quote] Well, I'm glad I was able to imbue him with such zest, and I know how you feel. There's been many times where I'll make a character that I like at first, only to have my interest fluctuate because they weren't as fleshed out as I thought, or because they lack that certain element that makes them fun to play. [i]Also, thinking it over, I decided to change his nickname to the Butcher of Caelora. Edgy and extremely ominous I know, but to be fair that's probably what his people would call him once word of his crimes had spread. Like how we have nicknames for notorious criminals here in our world. It won't be permanent or used incessantly of course, but I figured it would make more sense given the things he's done. As for how they'd know he committed the crime, well that might be a bit of a stretch now that I think of it. Although maybe one could connect the dots and see that it was him orchestrating the whole thing, and not just some random raid. [/i]