[h1]Bounty List[/h1] [u][b]Explanation[/b][/u] This is mainly here to give newer players a chance to make money and thus be able to afford all the weird goodies in [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CY50q8aqYGUrI3jbOhseMkjb26MhaWXEKLR3gCvD64M/edit#gid=864051540]Brittany's Shop[/url] because otherwise, it'll take a hot decade for y'all to get to the same wealth level as some of our old-timers. This also serves as a way for magical girls to maybe get connections with others. Of note, however, is that the Bounty List will only be active during timeskipped periods, and any bounty-hunting collabs that are not completed at the end of this timeskip will be put on ice until the next timeskip. I don't exactly want random monster-hunting quests to disrupt the main plot and all. To keep things from being [i]two[/i] convoluted, only two magical girls can go after a single bounty together. No large ass groups. Also don't do that thing where you just have two of your own characters go after the same job so you can earn double money. Only one of Allies and Twinned Souls can participate. Once you kill the monster, you get Coinage. The more powerful the enemy, the greater the rewards, but rewards earned per timeskip period caps out to the equivalent of [i]1 Gold OR 8 Silver OR 20 Bronze[/i], essentially enough to earn a single stat boost. Also, it's definitely possible to get messed up during these missions and subsequently fail. If you wanna get paid, you'll have to be willing to bleed. [b][u]The Marks[/u][/b] [b]Goblins in the Sewers[/b][indent]There are goblins in the sewers. Dunno how many there are, of course, and there may be more than one nest, but still, they're just goblins. Kill them all while avoiding damage to the sewers themselves, and you'll net yourself a cool 10 Bronze OR 2 Silver. Repeatable. [i]Challenge Rating:[/i] B [i]Notes:[/i] Lights are good, but night vision is better. [/indent] [b]Weretiger Traffickers[/b][indent]Buncha Weretigers have been using Penrose as a rendezvous point for trafficking humans into the Overcity. End their meager existence and rescue the humans, and if both objectives are completed, you'll net yourself a cool 15 Bronze OR 3 Silver. [i]Challenge Rating:[/i] A [i]Notes:[/i] Weretigers can Overcity Shift. Can you? [/indent] [b]Horror Poop[/b][indent]The detritus of a Horror has ended up in the swimming pool, and now it's a hellscape of unmentionable flesh. Venture into the swimming pool dungeon, find the core of the fiend, and destroy it, before it infests its surroundings further. You get 15 Bronze OR 3 Silver. You won't be compensated for emotional trauma. [i]Challenge Rating:[/i] A [i]Notes:[/i] Tentacles are a magical girl's worst enemy. Be careful. [/indent] [b]Routine Deathmatch[/b][indent]The Contender's at it again. Punt his toned ass back into the Netherworld before he causes too much trouble to anyone who doesn't want a deathmatch. Earn 18 Bronze or 4 Silver for completing this job. There may be a chance that he tips you extra Coinage if you face him solo without weapons and magic. [i]Challenge Rating:[/i] A [i]Notes: He casts Gun if two people come at him at once.[/i] [/indent] [b]Artemis Knight[/b][indent]Some fellow with a scythe's going around turning magical girls into popsicles. Good idea to stop him before more popsicles are made, because they don't sell well when it's cold outside. Vanquish him for a cool 6 Silver or 1 Gold. [i]Challenge Rating:[/i] S [i]Notes:[/i] Dress warmly. [/indent]