Kathelia vaguely remembered visiting a world where sports were really popular. It would be have several back now, more than five maybe? Oberon had taken a very personal hand in that one, he seemed to quite enjoy winning trophies, even if they were meaningless to him once he had them (except of course if anyone else tried to touch them, in which case his full wrath would be on display). But not to fall too deep into the sad memories, that world had held up its great athletes as its heroes and they had used magic to project the matches to huge crowds in stadiums, bazaars, marketplaces, and palaces. Kathelia had um...(no no, in the memories she was still Kazelia, she could think of herself from back then without her internal voice articulating the lisp, mostly)...she had been enamored of one of the sports there, a kind of flying javelin toss fake combat thing called "Lighting Strike!" The participants wore winged shoes and used special golden energy rings to catch and hurl the javelins. If you hit another participant without them catching it, you'd score (and there'd be a big lightning effect on the person's uniform), and if you bypassed them all and hit their goal with a javelin, you'd get something like a ten times score accompanied by thunder and lighting while everyone reset positions. What was coming back to her now, though, weren't really the games themselves though. It was the promotional material! Back there, the games had been promoted with all sorts of ridiculous claims on posters and by people announcing them around the marketplaces. "See Juniko, the Unstoppable Arrow!" "Watch Anika the Unbreakable crush her opposition!" "Live today it's Esmeralda Thunderbolt, she's promised to win the match without touching the ground even once!" It's those kind of claims that Kathelia is thinking about as she watches Alina vault around the arena. Sure, she's there, she's trying to get the ball when it gets near her, but she's a little afraid of it too, she doesn't want her glasses to get damaged or for it to hit her in the face. Besides, the nearest it got was when Alina brushed by her with that smile and more than anything else, that made her blush and fangirl out a little. She wanted to shout "Voids, this is just like the time Esmeralda Thunderbolt recovered from being poisoned by the coach of her arch-rival team, the Avalanches, and then she made a show out of personally taking down each player with a javelin catch reversal at close range before taking it in for a score!" (yes, she wanted to shout all of that, she could speak very quickly despite the lisp). There wasn't time though because Alina was already gone and one of the hoops had been stilled with the most delicate back flip double somersault dunk (around Eska!) Kathelia had ever seen! She was in awe and she was almost certainly going to ask Alina for an autograph after this if circumstances permitted it. Squeee! [My grace roll was a 6, by the by]