[quote]General Questions: What are your character's likes and dislikes? A minimum of two things is good enough. Now that we have a bit more people, does anyone feel their character may know another character or was traveling with them before being taken? Before or during your character began venturing out into the world, do you feel there were any enemies or allies made? This does not need an answer, but if you feel that there is, you can mention here or PM. Although I am still working on the summary of the major places of the world, are there any questions that you have about the world? For Azzen, he was raised as a noble, family lost their high social status, and with his personal talent, became a jester. But I'm still curious of what is Azzen's goal after he became this kind of bard? What made him seek to venture out? There is already the ideal mentioned, but does Azzen already know exactly what he wants to make something of himself or is this something he is still thinking about?[/quote] [b]Likes:[/b] Indulging, fine foods, clothes, wine, women, jewellery and entertainment. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Being dirty, being silenced, being ignored, being a no one. [b]Travelling companion:[/b] Anyone who could use a bard on their adventure, that promised coin or fame. (Or was a pretty lady) [b]Enemies/allies:[/b] The church of his home town would be his greatest enemy, they sit on the land and wealth that belongs to him. Shiera more so than any other, the one that used deception and betrayal to elevate her status in the church, taking advantage of Azzen. She knows that he knows the truth of her lies and is the only one who can undo all that she has done but luckily for her no one would believe a tiefling over a prominent member of the church. Azzen’s Father is now in prison for a crime he didn’t commmit. While not guilty of this murder he still had some questionable associates from his past. These shady figures could now almost be considered Azzens allies (when he has the coin) with one or two from the same college as him. [b]Big question/goals:[/b] He is unclear on his direct path at the moment but just knows he needs to build up his fame and resources before he can challenge the church. Everywhere he goes he subtly attacks their reputation with his performances trying to put doubt into the minds of his viewers. He is always seeking ways or leads that might undo their fame and reputation. He plans a public confrontation where the people will aid him, anything behind closed doors will just lead to his immediate execution. It is a long way away where a devil spawn can stand up and accuse the church of such misdeeds that the people rally for retribution, but he is starting that path, one day, one coin and one song at a time.