[i]"Ah... no, your eyebrows are definitely just that big,"[/i] Jessica caught herself thinking. Really, she was actually a little surprised. The eyebrow thing was what landed? How do you go that long without growing a thicker skin about stuff like that? Jessica was about to dig in deeper and really explore this eyebrow thing, but the girl did a hero landing and pulled a REAL-ASS GODDAMNED SWORD out of the puddle. Her outfit changed too! It was a good thing Jessica was wearing sunglasses, because her eyes widened in awe. WHAT A COOL EPITHET! It had a sword and an outfit change, it was basically like one of her magical girl shows. It even came with its own minions apparently! Oh, what Jessica wouldn't give for an OSTENTATIOUS, ATTENTION-GRABBING epithet like that! Instead she had a lame one that let her combine things with other things. It wasn't really flashy at all. Jessica barely even heard the girl speak she was so busy admiring how cool the sword was. It was shiny and had jewels, none of which spoke to its actual combat ability but who cares? It's a cool sword! Jessica was about to flip out about how AWESOME it was when she managed to catch something the girl was saying. Godzuki. GODZUKI!?!?!?!? It was only then that she noticed how much bigger the other girl was. And that the sword was being pointed in her direction. One side effect of Jessica's epithet is that she takes on a few vaguely dog-like qualities. Generally it wasn't too noticeable, but she had a certain habit that showed up when she got scared. And that habit triggered. Jessica whimpered like a stray puppy that had been kicked. Fear overtook her anger, and she began looking around uncertainly. More and more people began showing up, and it was getting too loud for her. Just then, a boy came up to them and began making fun of the sword girl! Thanks to that, and two guys who had just showed up to intervene, Jessica took the chance to scamper away. "Y-y-yeah! L-let's ditch these LOSERS," Jessica stammered, bolting. "THANKS JENSEN ACKLES, STAR OF HIT TELEVISION DRAMA SUPERNATURAL!" Jessica called out as she ran towards the rocky area, leaving the sword girl behind to explain why she pulled a weapon out on the beach. Jessica didn't know who this new boy was, but he seemed like a BAD INFLUENCE, which was the best kind! With someone like that on her side, maybe today wouldn't be completely shot after all. At the very least he seemed to give a crap about her, which was more than she got anywhere else (except the Banzai Blasters).