Penny, for her part, hadn't notices the appearance of her sixth worker until she felt something get a death grip on her leg. She looked down and spotted the girl from before, smiling up at her and babbling thanks. Penny, not entirely comfortable with this kind of attention, rested her swords back on her shoulder where the child couldn't touch it and just kind of babbled back. "I...uhh...ghe...yeknew.... "She is the King!" One of her Serfs said helpfully, wandering up. "King of the beach!" Another added. "No, I am not-" Penny started, trying to nip what she knew was coming in the bud. She wasn't fast enough. "All hail the king!" another shouted. "Do not hail the-" "ALL HAIL THE KING, ALL HAIL THE KING..." Great. They were just going to keep doing that until she got rid of them and found another job for them to do. To make an annoying situation actively bad she caught another sound under the chorus of "All HAIL THE KING" that brought her attention back to the bully, who had started whimpering like a kicked dog at some point. "Hey, you don't get to act like the victim here." She said. "All I did was fix something you broke." The act was pretty convincing though, because it had already attracted a couple of knights in shining sun lotion. One guy who rocked up beside the bully and gave her a conspiratorial look just called Penny a dork, which was fair but screw him anyway. The other guy she couldn't see, but he'd come up behind and had clearly gotten the wrong impression here. He though she was the bully. She started to turn around to correct him but she didn't have to as he suddenly appeared behind the real bully, literally taking her corner. Penny eyed him warily. This guy was an adult, and either had an epithet or was one of those real life speed-runners that had just worked until they were super fast. "Look, you guys have got the wrong idea." She said, holding up a hand. "She's the-" Penny didn't get to finish that thought on account of the sudden [b][i]weight[/i][/b] she felt laying across her shoulders. Her knees almost immediately buckled, and started shaking like leaves in the breeze as she struggled to remain standing. She could feel the sword, normally light as a feather for her, bearing down on her like an industrial press. If she were in any state of mind to think about it she'd wonder why the edge handing already split her in half. Someone asked her a question, but she couldn't answer. She could already feel herself tilting, falling toward...OH NO THE CHILD! Penny sudden't pitched herself forward, away from the little girl clinging to her leg, and got to watch the beach rapidly approach as she fell toward it like a toppled pine tree. There was a dust cloud thrown up from the impact, and when it cleared Penny lay there with the sword pressing down on the back of her neck. The Peasant Serfs stopped their chanting. Their minds were so small and laser focused that they could generally only hold one thought at a time so it took them a moment to register what had happened. One wandered up to her, poking her in the head, then turned solemnly to the others. "The King Is Dead!" There was a collective gasp. "My Spirit Wanes!" one said. One just started weeping. Another punched the last one in the face because they were in a succession crisis now and that typically meant civil war. None of them seemed to notice the faint moaning that came from Penny, face buried in the sand, until she reached out and grabbed the closest one by its bulbous nose. "The King Lives! HUZZAH!" She dragged the Serf close, then desperately pointed to the sand around her face. "YES MY LIEGE!" He said, and got to digging her out before she suffocated.