[center][img]https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/987/886/5b0.png[/img] [i]In the ancient past, the God of the Earth created seven mystical orbs called Dragon Balls. With these objects, the Dragon God Shenlong could be summoned forth to grant one any wish their heart desires. Mortals coveted the orbs, and fought with one another over possession of them. Wars raged, kingdoms rose to power or were reduced to ruin. In time, God had grown weary of the violence and greed of men, for the Dragon Balls were originally intended to be his blessing on the mortals he watched over and guarded, but instead they had been reduced to being the spoils of war. Using his divine power, he erased all memory of the Dragon Balls from mortal kind and scattered the orbs to the farthest reaches of the Earth. But God was not without mercy, he left a precious few written stories of the orbs intact, so that perhaps one day a more worthy generation could use the Dragon Balls to achieve more peaceful ends. Thousands of years have passed, and the Dragon Balls have long since faded into the most obscure of legends and folktales. They are still scattered, and only God himself can sense any of their locations. And this... is where our story begins. In the far western region of Mangyo, a local martial arts competition known as the Tetsuryu Tournament is about to begin. It's held annually, and serving as the trophy for the winner is a small, yellow orb with 4 red stars seemingly glowing in the center of it. To the natives of Mangyo, this orb is named the Star Orb, and they believe it to be the only one of its kind. In truth, it is one of the seven legendary Dragon Balls.[/i][/center] Hello and welcome to Dragon Ball: Densetsu no Bōken. If the synopsis above wasn't clear enough, this RP will be based around the original Dragon Ball, and not Dragon Ball Z. So more emphasis will be placed on the titular Dragon Balls themselves, as well as fun adventures and journeys around the Earth to gather them together. Before we get into anything else, here's some following ground rules I'd like everyone to be aware of: [center][h3][b]Rules[/b][/h3][/center] 1. Please obey all the standard rules of the Guild. This one should be a no-brainer. 2. You're free to make suggestions or even plead your case if a character or plot idea is rejected, but remember that at the end of the day the GM's word is law. 3. Remember that the setting is Dragon Ball, not Dragon Ball [i]Z[/i]. That means no flying or big energy blast attacks. That also means that blades and bullets can and will still harm you. 4. In relation to number 3, alien races are generally not allowed. A Namekian can potentially be allowed but even that needs to be kept to a minimum of one or two maximum. 5. You don't have to play a human, however. There are beast folk based on various animal types and to a lesser extent there could also be a degree of magical or mythical things in the setting to draw ideas from as well. In addition, don't feel limited to playing only as a martial artist. Since this isn't Z, magical abilities are very much viable, as are conventional weapons (blades or bullets) or even degrees of gadgets and gizmos (a la Bulma and her Capsule devices). 6. We'll play it fast and loose when it comes to action scenes. While I do expect everyone to be able to keep track of who is where and doing what, battles themselves I am confident can be resolved in a manner that doesn't devolve into OOC shouting matches or draconian stats and dice rolls. 7. Please please please inform me if real life requires you to be absent for an extended period. I've lost too many games due to player disappearances and only getting the silent treatment when I try to reach out. I'd rather it not happen here. 8. Please put the words "Four Star" somewhere in your CS. This will prove to me that you read the rules and didn't just skim over them. [center][h3][b]Character Sheet[/b][/h3][/center] [code] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Race:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Background:[/b] (Whatever you decide to put here, remember to also include the reason why you're in Mangyo. Are you a local who lives there? Did you travel there to take part in the Tetsuryu? Or perhaps you simply came to spectate?) [b]Traits:[/b] (These are primarily just abilities or features associated with your race or species. Things like claws, fangs, tough hides, and et cetera all go here.) [b]Skills:[/b] (These are misc abilities not necessarily related to combat or martial arts. Things like tracking, hunting, cooking, tinkering, or the like can go in here.) [b]Techniques/Spells/Tactics:[/b] (What you name this field will likely depend on what kind of character you're playing. Martial artists will use this section to list off and describe their various techniques. Mystical characters can use it to list and describe and the spells they know. While a more tech-based character might use it list and describe any devices they possess that serve a combat-specific function. You're allowed 4 to start with.) [/code] [hider=Click ONLY after reading everything]Congratulations! You made it to end of the OP. Now, you remember that rule above about putting the words "Four Star" somehwere in your CS? Ignore it, that was a lie. Insert the words "Turtle Sage" instead as proof that you read the whole OOC without skimming any of it.[/hider]