[quote=@Expolar] [@Lucius Cypher][@Dark Light] Thanks for mentioning your concern on the matter. I was comparing spells Shillelagh and Magic Weapon, and I suppose I was thinking too much of the can trip. But if we were to make it a 1st level spell, what do you two think of the following: [*]The weapon must have a property to allow it to change. [*]Can only change one property at a time and requires a bonus action to alter that one changed property. [*]Must be a non magical melee weapon. [*]Last for a minute with concentration. [*]No "thrown" property as I imagine this spell to change the mass and density, which causes the shape of the weapon to change. [/quote] By default the spell has to swap a property the weapon already has. It only adds a property if the weapon has none, which I think only three weapons have. Also by default it takes a bonus action, and can only change more than one property if I cast at a higher level. The change also applies only once: once the property changes I can’t change it again unless I recast the spell. I assume that the property change occurs immediately when the spell occurs, having it happen on the next turn seems like a needless stopgap that even other BA spells don’t suffer from. I’m hesitant to say if this weapon can’t affect magical ones, as it makes it quickly obsolete once we do get magic weapons, but I would politely request that it applies to all weapons, both melee and range. While I understand the “balance” of Range weapon’s being the sole domain of dexterity users, it’s not as if dex users are desperate for versatility, and it’ll be nice to have the ability to use strength for a dedicated range weapon that isn’t a 1d4 dart. I’m willing to do concentration but I would still like for it to last an hour. All weapons even without the thrown property can be thrown with a range of 20/60, they just become improvised and thus do 1d4. With magic, the spell effectively removes the improvise nature, and even than the thrown property is for more cinematic than practical value, what with the slew of problems thrown weapons already have.