[center][color=00aeef][h2]Goomie[/h2][/color][hr][/center] Goomie frowned as the fishy lady and birdy lady spoke more nonsense, and then the birdy lady got blown up by one of the naughty humans! [color=00aeef]"I think I get it now."[/color] She crossed her arms and nodded, assured in the conclusion she had come to as she stared down fishy lady and birdy lady seriously. [color=00aeef]"You guys are bad owners!"[/color] She burbled, pointing a finger at Diva and Terrorkeat dramatically while the fighters of HART and the MFF fought overhead. [color=00aeef]"You guys are the type to roll over whenever your pet gets uppity, so they have no respect for you! That's why everyone is getting hurt, because you guys don't know how to assert your uhh... that word that means control but fancy!"[/color] Whether they were happy or not wasn't what mattered, they didn't know what was best for themselves! It was like if you saw a puppy playing in a bunch garbage. Sure the puppy may be happy there, but it wasn't safe! So even if the puppy snaps and bites at you, you gotta take it out of the garbage and back home where you can teach it what's right! [color=00aeef]"Now then, I think I'm done talking to you bad owners. We can talk again after you've thought about what I have to say!"[/color] And with that Goomie turned away from the fishy lady and moved through several buildings, eager to go back home with her new pets. The nerve of some people, honestly! [hr] Utena cringed as every one of her missiles collided with Terrorkeat, she was honestly expecting the GMG to do some cool wind stuff and direct her attack away! [color=gray]"Sorry!"[/color] She yelled as Terrorkeat fell, her impact softened by a giant wave of water. A wave of fog began to roll over the group as the GMGs continued to argue, but Utena unfortunately didn't have the luxury of waiting for them to finish their conversation. A hook launched forth from Utena's wings, latching onto Diva's dress as she tried to reason with the slimy GMG who was leaving the scene. She burst forwards towards the Undine Idol, circling the singer as she tried to entrap her within the line of her energy hook as Akari focused on Terrorkeat. [color=gray]"I'm really sorry about this, but orders are orders! I promise I'll make sure the commander doesn't go too nuts okay?"[/color] She called out to Diva as she continued to fly around her, each loop tightening the idol's bonds just a little bit more. Hopefully the two would forgive her for this, but the commander was just on the warpath today! She couldn't risk pissing her off right now, who knows what she would do.