[color=ed1c24][h1]Felix Volpe[/h1][/color] [hr] [color=ed1c24]"Ah crud, it's the fuzz! Every man for himself!"[/color] Felix darted towards the window, opening it before climbing out. It was fair to say Felix was not particularly in her good graces, especially after blowing up part of the chemistry lab with his and Raph's research. The woman was like a bloody battleaxe. It was only when he was midway out the window that he remembered an important fact. The music room was on the second floor. Too late to abandon his current act, he gripped the side of the window and used it to launch himself towards the drain pipe. He initially missed, leading to a slight bonking of his head, but soon came to his senses and properly grabbed on. Following that, he slid down the pipe to sweet, sweet freedom. As he walked away, he further examined the shard. [i]Return the part to the whole...[/i] Cryptic voices in his head again. You know what, fuck it, he has more important things to worry about right now. It probably would be an idea to check it against a mirror, check it is actually part of one. Maybe should let the others tag along, especially that Devin guy. He's not a hardass for rules like Raph.