[color=silver][center][hider=Kai][img]https://i.imgur.com/nP4LRNvl.jpg[/img] [url=https://www.deviantart.com/notesz]by Notesz[/url] [b]Name[/b]: [i]Malachai Major[/i] [b]Age[/b]: [i]18[/i] [b]Appearance[/b]: [i]Dark hair, brown eyes, light skin.[/i] [b]Personality[/b]: [i]Oft perceived as a bit of a troublemaker, Kai never intends to get in the way, he's just curious is all! So maybe a few shiny knickknacks ended up in his hands, and yeah, the growlithe setting fire to the school was probably mostly his fault, but he'd had good intentions! See, the thing about Kai is that he spent a lot of his time feeling lonely and left-out, so every oppurtunity to occupy himself, indulge some minor entertainment, or make a new friend? Well, how could he not at least try. He doesn't take scorn or rejection well, and he has a nasty vindictive streak that isn't easily tamed once riled.[/i] [b]History[/b]: [i]Kai's parents, Melani and Andal, are relatively well-off, his father working high up in a tech company local to the Hoenn region, and his mother as a pokémon researcher. Neither spent a lot of time at home, leaving Kai to be taken care of by a disinterested teenage cousin until he was old enough to stay home alone. He didn't spend a lot of time at home, not that anyone noticed, instead exploring the beaches and caves around his home. It was in one such cave that he met the Sableye, though it wouldn't be until he finally left for his journey to the Orre region that one of his new friends became his first partner. Before then he got into all sorts of trouble, but never anything worth involving the police, but also nothing that won him any friends or sympathy.[/i] [b]Reason for traveling to Orre[/b]: [i]Kai decided to pull a fast one on his parents; instead of exploring his home region of Hoenn he chose to explore his father’s place of birth on the other side of the world.[/i] [b]Starting Pokémon[/b]: [i]Semsey (Sableye)[/i] [b]Notes[/b]: [i][/i][/hider] [hider=Semmy][img]https://i.imgur.com/2o7PlFpl.png[/img] [url=https://www.deviantart.com/greattaco]by GreatTaco[/url] [b]Pokémon[/b]: [i]Sableye[/i] [b]Pokémon Nickname[/b]: [i]Semsey[/i] [b]Pokémon Personality[/b]: [i]Clever, but childishly playful, Semmy is much like his trainer in his ability to accidentally cause minor havoc everywhere he goes. On the other hand, Kai can be greedy and sharp where Semmy is needy and soft.[/i] [b]History of Pokémon[/b]: [i]Semsey is young and curious, and of all Kai's human and pokémon acquaintances he was the only one who truly felt like a friend. The two occasionally played together, and when Semsey learned his favourite human was leaving he decided to join him, much to the new trainer’s joy.[/i] [b]Notes[/b]: [i][/i][/hider][/center][/color]