[center][h2]World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth[/h2][h3]Saturday, July 16th, Age 2500 Bakuto vs Rhine[/h3][/center] As Bakuto circled Rhine, the crowd grew more and more quiet in anticipation. Everyone could tell the same things, that this final attack would decide the fate of the battle. And they were right... [hider=Results] * [b]Rhine[/b] can't defend against Bakuto's fast paced assault and takes 49 damage, he has no more health left. * [b]Bakuto[/b] takes no damage from his opponent, because his opponent had no time to counter. Bakuto only takes 4 damage from the recoil of his own attack. Bakuto's Attack Roll: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18292 Rhine's Attack Roll: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18291 [/hider] The stadium roars for Bakuto, as Rhine falls to the ground unconscious!