[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ao2bXfP.png[/img][/center] [hr] The cabin was getting stuffy. It was time to go out and mingle among the people. At least that was the reasoning for Jade to step outside of the shack and let the waning summer air drift over her. Of course out here, ice was going to be a necessity for her beverage. Hence the Golden Girl's return trip to the tables, where coolers were plentiful and could easily spare a couple of cubes for her drink. A quick lift of a lid revealed the frozen paydirt. Meanwhile someone was having themselves a time slamming down some shots on the table above. [color=9f1f19][i]Holy shit, Screams McGee, pace yourself. You have a whole night to go, and screaming is unnecessary...[/i][/color] She plunked the ice in her cup and returned to her upright position. Then pain. Granted, Jade had scored enough goals with her head that she could take a hit there no problem. But skulls are harder than balls, and the forehead-on-forehead clashes were never fun. She managed to avoid losing her cocktail in the process though, so that was a win, and it sounded like the gave better than she got. It just sucked when she found out who she gave it to. [color=b39cdc][b]"JADE!"[/b][/color] The neon piping and pigtails could only mean that Jade just conked the heck out of her sorority sister. Joanna Hart. Rare to find Joey by herself. Usually she was stride for stride with her roommate Charlotte. Anyone with half a brain could tell those two were a thing. Not that Jade disapproved. Hell, she had looked at their relationship close up with just a twinge of jealousy that no one compared to her and could offer the sort of bond those two had. But here Joey was, now likely concussed and by herself. What else was Jade to do? Especially with her sorority sister now holding onto her like that Brazilian guy clutching his fake World Cup. She put her free hand around Joey and patted her on the back. The lioness on the prowl persona was temporarily put away. [color=9f1f19]"Hey girl, what are you doing going around headbutting people like that? You know that's silly, right? How are you feeling? You hurt bad?"[/color]