[center][hr][hr] [h1][color=7d16c7]Oliver Sullivan[/color][/h1] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/BreakableFreeHectorsdolphin-small.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [color=7d16c7]Location:[/color]Inside Palace -> Quinjet [color=7d16c7]Skills:[/color] [hr][/center] Oli was uncomfortable at the idea that these people were somehow his family, just because he was apparently an Inhuman like them. On one level, it was nice to see that this race felt a kinship that humans lacked, but at the same time, being raised human, that word meant something special to him. Nobody could just show up in your life, and start insisting they were your family, genetics notwithstanding. He wasn't angry at them or anything, he just felt like that word was being misapplied here, and it felt like more of a manipulation than anything. As Cass and Bonnie were whisked away, he was immediately concerned. Cass had been hocking up blood before, and was looking like she was almost on death's door. A look of anger crossed his face towards the queen, but it fell as the situation was explained. Some warning beforehand would have been nice, but honestly he wanted his teammates healthy over being here. He almost felt like she shouldn't have come in the first place, given her condition, but that was the nature of being a shield agent, you put your duty before your life. Following the team back to the Quinjet, he was somehow both pleasantly surprised and incredibly worried about the news that they'd be going to Cardiff. That was where he came from, after all, and it was always nice to go home, something that he wasn't able to do much as an agent. But they were going there on work, and more importantly, they expected the people who razed this city to be heading their as well. He couldn't let Cardiff to become the next Attilan, and now, given his recent acquisition of powers, he might be able to do something to prevent that from happening. Before any of that though, he had to set things right with the team. A house divided could not stand, and after what he did, he practically took a sledgehammer to any kind of trust they had in him.