[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=3333ff]Mary Winthrop[/color][/b][/h3] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/4ab2fdc9a52b1725d0bd09f90d0f4fc1/tumblr_nszvlzKPbU1uvk9z8o1_250.gifv[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=3333ff]Location:[/color][/b] Compartment 3 [b][color=3333ff]Magic:[/color][/b] N/A [/center][hr] Mary wrapped up the sneak-o-scope trying to mute the noise it was producing and then shoved it back into her bag. Hoping that between the bit of extra clothing and the books no one would hear it. Mary couldn't say she knew the reliability of the sneak-o-scope. She had only just gotten it, but her father had given it to her and she trusted his opinion. [color=3333ff]"We can do some experiments with it later."[/color] She suggested. Though it did seem Georgia hadn't closed the door to the compartment fast enough. She had been spotted. One of the Auror's was saying her name. At least Apollo had cast [i]Salvio Hexia[/i] though and if they needed the group could get behind that barrier. Mary checked to make sure her own wand was loose in case she needed to pull it out quickly. [color=3333ff]"Thank you Apollo."[/color] He was much better at that sort of spell then she was. Her skill was charms and transfiguration, not DADA (even if she was passing it just fine) She hated the current feeling. It was like the old days. Pretending to be something she wasn't had become second nature, but she had just started to be a bit more relaxed about the truth. Apollo knew the truth, which of course meant Artie knew. And if both of them knew there was no way Georgia didn't know, not that once He-who-must-not-be-named had been defeated Mary had bothered to keep it a secret. Though, she did try to keep it to just the group of friends. You never knew what someone's leanings might be, and being a half-blood wasn't great. But Mary trusted the group to have her back. And trust was hard for her to give. Her mind was racing, thankful for this little group of safety, but terrified of what the future might hold now.