Sarah let out a sigh of relief. Regan was there and she was alright, they had been lucky indeed. "Yes, Rapier is here! I'll tell him." Sarah was about to turn to Rapier when Regan told Kawaken to make a bubble barrier. "Rapier, Regan wants you to do Seismic Toss on this rock slide to clear it as much as you can. You might want to hurry, something is down there." She turned to Gira, "We'll see what we can do after we see how much Rapier can clear with Seismic Toss." Gira nodded. Sarah stood back further to make sure she would be out of harm's way as she wasn't sure how the move would work on the rockslide. Her pokemon stood beside her, watching Rapier and making sure they could catch debris hurling their before it would hit anyone. Saur glanced at Gira [i]"You got this?"[/i] Gira nodded, not taking her eyes off the target Rapier had to hit. [i]"I hope Abra is fine."[/i] she said. [hr] Gabe was listening to Bakuto and didn't even notice the Rattata until Bakuto took out his pokedex and it started informing about a Rattata. He looked around and sure enough, there was one. When Bakuto asked if it looked confused Gabe kneeled down to look a little closer. "I dunno, I guess," he said with a shrug. "All yours buddy if you want one," he added when he stood back straight again. Mareep came back closer and looked curiously at the pokemon. [i]"Hi there!"[/i] she said. [i]"Oh, poor thing looks confused."[/i] she said sympathetically. Gabe turned to Bakuto. "You can't use it for the League but that shouldn't stop someone from picking a pokemon they like. My sister picked a Weedle as her first official caught pokemon." just seconds after he spoke the Rattata used a tackle attack towards Gabe. Mareep reacted quickly and bumped Gabe out of the way. "Whoaa! What just happend?" [@CitrusArms] [@BladeSS4]