[centre][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/divinus-mk4/images/3/3b/Afc6efa58bae4f9c3be8ed679a7ac131.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/310?cb=20200229065521[/img] [h2]Gibbou[/h2] [/centre] [hr] With a sonic boom, Gibbou broke into the atmosphere, marvelling at the beautiful lights all around, dancing like living brush strokes being painted across the canvas of the heavens. It looked similar to that odd stream of magic that had encapsulated her moon that one time, and she almost forgot her whole reason for returning to Galbar. A little bump against her left thigh sent her look downwards, where [i]Hir[/i] was dangling from a strap tied to the rim of her pants. She snapped her fingers and went, [colour=lightblue]“Oh, right!”[/colour] and kept descending. She scanned the oceans thoroughly, mumbling [colour=lightblue]“Klaar, Klaar, Klaar…”[/colour] to herself. Eventually, floating some distance east of the Kubrazjar continent, she drew a deep breath and yelled, [colour=lightblue]“HEY, MISTER KLAAAAAAR!”[/colour] The waters around Gibbou remained placid for some time after her initial yell, the sound echoing across the ocean in all directions. She sighed and dove a little closer to the surface. Hovering a few inches over the surface, she dipped her head underneath and repeated her shout, hoping that the water would carry her voice better than the air. Just below Gibbou a fleshlet, no larger than a balled fist, plopped into existence. The little mass of meat thumped like a heart, squiggling and squirming violently. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, it began to expand. In all directions the meat-polyp blossomed, flowing out into a vast shape of considerable size. Eyes formed, huge and staring, as the multi-kilometer diameter form of Klaarungraxus formed itself below Gibbou. Eyes, previously gazing with empty stares in random directions, circled up and centered themselves to point at Gibbou. With that, the waters shook with the Deepspeak voice of Klaarungraxus. [color=0054a6]”Ahhh, little moon, below and above in equal shares,”[/color] Klaarungraxus rose from the depths as he spoke, eyes surfacing to observe Gibbou in her own environment, [color=0054a6]”Multitudinous expressions of regret for this time left wanting, Gibbou Rux, your soft reflection lit by moon most yearned for. Calm tides and gentle currents, Gibbou of the One-Good-Orb; what calls my name in your heart’s yen?”[/color] [colour=lightblue]“Hello there, mister Klaar - and a wonderfully good evening to you, too! Don’t you worry - you didn’t waste a second of my time.”[/colour] She flew in a little closer to one of Klaar’s humongous eyes. [colour=lightblue]“Waiting for someone as nice as you is always worth it,”[/colour] she praised and cracked a smile. Klaar stared up at Gibbou before wriggling two unsubmerged tentacles in response to the goddess’ kindly praises. It was not particularly understood by Klaarungraxus, for the concepts of niceties were often wasted upon him, but nevertheless the great god of the oceans deep could understand when he was being flattered. The tides calmed and gentled around his huge form as he sat there, treading water, as Gibbou stared into one of his immense, glowing eyeballs. [color=0054a6]”Feelings of mutuality abound, Moonlit Face of Bright Smiles. Now, elucidate my minds as to your presence; though, no reason is needed. If the Moon-On-High seeks to offer her presence freely, who would deny such a fetching glow?”[/color] Klaar was sure he was getting good at this flattering thing. The plum-skinned girl giggled to herself. [colour=lightblue]“I would have gladly stopped by to say hi, but I just so happen to have another thing with me here - a teeny little project of mine.”[/colour] She presented [i]Hir[/i] with a proud grin. [colour=lightblue]“Care to listen for a bit?”[/colour] Klaar leaned inwards, his eye seemingly pushing out from its socket to observe the horn with great interest. The power that danced along its edges in the divine vision of the great devilfish spoke a story about the item that only drew Klaarungraxus in further. What secrets did it hide beneath its humble exterior? [color=0054a6]”What hath you borne to my watery abode, Gibbou? Does it sing? I would hear its sonorous cries, if it can.”[/color] [colour=lightblue]“Sadly not,”[/colour] she confessed with a hung head. [colour=lightblue]“But I should add a song function to it! Thanks for the pitch! Now, this here iiiiiis [i]Hir[/i], an artifact that grants certain mortals the power to perform miracles! Our kinds of miracles! Without us even doing anything! Doesn’t that sound awesome?”[/colour] Klaar seemed to be confused by the function of the artifact thrust before him. His eyes peered deep into the object, as if they were mapping its design in some deep pocket of the huge cephalopod’s mind. Nevertheless, the lack of its ability to speak and make noise as disappointment quickly dissipated. An object that can unleash miracles, particularly those ascribed to Klaarungraxus, must certainly be a fascinating one indeed. [color=0054a6]”Awe hath struck me deeply, aye, for storm clouds brew in distant thoughts. Miracles, miraculous, of our own making? Explain further, Gibbou Rux, for my boundless curiosity is not yet sated. What mean thee by miracles sans we?”[/color] [colour=lightblue]“Oh, y’know - say, uh… Hang on… Oh yeah! Say a user of this artifact wanted to, uh, call in a larger school of fish to their village’s shores than usual - they’d be really nice to the oceans, clean beaches, punish overfishers. In return, they get to perform a miracle with your approval for their good behaviour - and all we have to do is nod and give them a thumbs-up, or, uh… A tent-up-le? ‘Course, if they’re not being nice to the oceans, you can just remove their power over it - no problem. Oh, shoot, did I forget to tell Sirius? Ooooh no…”[/colour] While Gibbou began to worry about telling Sirius, Klaar’s thoughts turned to other things. Miracles were an interesting concept and not one he’d ever put too much consideration into. Nevertheless, the potential for an entire species to learn of the ocean’s greatness was without precedent when they could directly gain from him in its service. Vo would teem with more than just life if such a thing existed. [color=0054a6]”Warm summer rains on cool waters, Maiden-Moon, for this piques interest of most many-minds. I would offer my potency in this matter, for what is the world of miracles without the sea?”[/color] Gibbou snapped back into focus. [colour=lightblue]“Yes! My thoughts exactly! Here, give it your blessing.”[/colour] She offered Klaar the horn. Klaar lifted the [i]Hir[/i] to his gaze, two forward tentacles gently holding it in their grip. A fascinating little object and one with considerable power born within, soon to contain even more. Ideal, he thought, for such a function. With that Klaarungraxus leaned forward to peer over the little horn, his beak opening ominously. All of a sudden a vast tide of darkness, seemingly from the deepest depths of the sea, vomited out from Klaar’s beak to envelop the [i]Hir[/i]. The cloud seemed to suck inwards, pulling to one point as the ocean dove into the item. Across the world, as difficult as it would be to notice, the sea levels dropped an entire inch. Klaar looked pleased upon his work. [color=0054a6]”Truly consummate in its craft, Gibbou Rux. Honored am I to partake in its birth.”[/color] [colour=lightblue]“Yay!”[/colour] Gibbou celebrated, retrieved the item and weighed it in her hands. [colour=lightblue]“Woah… It’s still so light! Perfect.”[/colour] She restrung it to where her belt would have been and hugged the nearest tentacle she could see. [colour=lightblue]“N’aaw, thank you, you amazing, big, amazingly big cephalopod!”[/colour] [color=0054a6]”A welcome distraction from numerous endeavors, Maiden-Moon. May thee have success in further efforts, miraculous or otherwise. Waters keep you wise, Gibbou Rux, and may your One-Good-Orb keep high in the sky.[/color] With that Klaar descended back into the waves, one tentacle wriggling a goodbye wave before plopping underneath the waters. The placidity of the surface belied the massive entity that had, only moments ago, resided there. Gibbou, still floating lethargically in mid-air, produced a list of coal-black paper out of nothing and ticked a box next to the label “My favourite squid” with a white crayon. She eyed the following name on the list and hummed. [colour=lightblue]“‘Whoever controls the plants’...”[/colour] she mumbled to herself. [colour=lightblue]“Shoot, I should’ve asked Klaar if he knows…”[/colour] She floated slowly eastwards, scratching her head furiously as she scanned the lands of Galbar. On the way, she stopped on the neat little islands where she had created the night elves. Finding them still a bit too barren for her liking, she put camels, reptiles and beetles in all the drylands, and made sure the islands were rich with grazers and predators to take them on - buffalo would roam the canyons and be preyed upon by black, white-striped tigers in the night. She also made sure insects and mollusks were abundant in the more humid areas, and made plenty of bats and small birds to eat them. Then she stopped and thought to herself, [i]Maaaaybe… What if I made -more- guardians? Something that can keep watch over the whole world?![/i]. And so she jumped over to a hollow tree, stuck her hand inside and pulled out an owl egg. The mother soared down and pecked wildly at her. [colour=lightblue]“A-ow! Ow! Hey! Your kid’ll do great things, lady, and-- ow!”[/colour] Gibbou eventually had to retreat, but she still had the egg in her possession. She found herself a nice little butte to stand on as she worked her magic. She ran her index finger along the top of the egg, as if drawing a mental image of where to hit it with a spoon to crack it open. She whispered to the life inside of it, promising greatness for them and their offspring for all eternity as the sentries of the moon. She then placed the egg down on the ground and waited. It didn’t take too long - a mere hour later, the egg hatched, revealing a white-faced owl chick with feathers black as night and eyes glowing like the moon. Gibbou giggled. [colour=lightblue]“N’aaaw, you’re such a cutie. Here, have a snack.”[/colour] She conjured forth a dead mouse and offered it to the owl. The owl chick saw it and immediately scarfed it down. Then it grew - it grew terribly fast. Gibbou nearly rolled back as the owl chick became the size of its mother within fifteen minutes of hatching - and it didn’t stop there. Before long, it was twice as tall as Gibbou, covered in thick, black feathers and with dancing, white light dancing around its eyes like a magical fog. It eyed Gibbou curiously - the goddess was stunned. [colour=lightblue]“Sister, you grew fast. What did I put in that mouse?”[/colour] She stood up and scratched her head. [colour=lightblue]“Or more importantly, what did I actually say to your egg?”[/colour] She gave the last hour and a half a rough reflection and tried to recount as much of what she had said as possible. [colour=lightblue]“... and as the moon cycles across the world, so shall you patrol it from birth to death, over and over…”[/colour] She eyed the owl again, which now was pruning its feathers. She eyed the moon, which was approaching a waning gibbous, and snapped her fingers, drawing the owl’s attention by accident. [colour=lightblue]“Of course! Your lifespan is tied to the phases of the moon!”[/colour] She thought about this for a second. [colour=lightblue]“Oh, sister, your lifespan is tied to the phases of the moon!”[/colour] With budding tears in her eyes, she gave the owl a weeping hug. It stared down at her sheepishly. [colour=lightblue]“I’M SOOOORRRYYYY!”[/colour] Gibbou wept into its dowy belly and rubbed her moist face all over. [colour=lightblue]“I’ve given-[i]sniff![/i]- given, given you such a short life and, and, and… Oh, I’m sorry!”[/colour] The owl looked visibly uncomfortable, pushed gently at Gibbou with its wings and soon took to the sky. Out of the clouds above, more soon joined it, and it seemed to soar off in the different directions of the world. Gibbou stood alone on the butte. [colour=lightblue]“Come baaaack,”[/colour] she sobbed quietly. After sulking for half a day, she eventually remembered her mission and set off again, flying eastwards scanning the lands. She kept going until a certain fuzzy pillar spiked the sky like a leafy spear. Gibbou stopped and stared at the enormous tree so violently appearing in the middle of an empty horizon. She materialised her list and eyed the description - [i]whoever controls plants.[/i] She eyed the tree again. [colour=lightblue]“HOW HAVE I NOT NOTICED THAT BEFORE?!”[/colour] [hider=SummaREE!] Gibbou goes to get Klaar to bless the druid artifact. They meet, he blesses, all is gucci. Forgetting to ask what the plant god looks like, Gibbou flies aimlessly due east. She stops in Toastland to make some more life there (see MP sum), as well as the Owlix, which is now all over (migratory birds ftw). Finally, she spots Big tree and wonders how the fuck she has 20/20 vision. The end. [/hider] [hider=MP SummaREE!] Starto: Gibbou - 1MP/1DP 0MP - Fill Toastland with more life, this including more insects like moths and beetles, more small night animals like bats. The canyons are now full of buffalo and the apex predator of the deep canyons are now black tigers with white stripes. 1DP, discounted to 0DP with Moon portfolio - Create extraordinary life: [b]The Owlix[/b]: An enormous owl species which lives, dies and is reborn with the phases of the moon - being born as a chick on the new moon, growing to their mightiest on the full moon, and dying again at the next new moon. Live all across Galbar and hunt in the night. Endo: Gibbou - 1MP/1DP [/hider]