Welcome back, Asuras. :) So, I've had a look through Annabell's sheet now, and there's a few things I'd like to talk and ask about. Her personality is fine, so we don't need to go over that. We do however have to go over several bits pertaining to her history, class and skills/spells. First off: Is Annabelle a native of Oublioth or not? The history does not make this clear, as it's written from a narrative first-person view, followed by a description of a realm that is seemingly seperate from the main world. In the case that she is an outsider, this would not be acceptable, as players are supposed to be natives of Oublioth. If she is a native who got trapped in some sort of shadowplane or minor pocket-world, this needs a bit more clarification. Additionally, if the only living things in the pocket-plane were Annabelle, the Spirit and the Wraith-monsters, how did Annabelle manage to survive for - what I assume - is years in there? The lack of food, safe shelter, drinkable water as well as the seeming absence of sunlight would all make it near impossible to survive, unless time was somehow also warped in that place. Moving on from her history, we come to her skills and class. She is listed as a Summoner, but has stats and equipment more suited for a barbarian or melee-fighter. Now, I'm not one to tell you how to build your character, but it seems a bit odd for a person who relies on summoned monsters to fight for them to fight on the front-lines themselves.. Albeit, she doesn't seem to be your typical Summoner. This brings up another question though: If she was isolated in a world with only monsters who constantly hounded her, how did she have time to get her INT so high? Who taught her? How did she study? Where did she learn the spells she knows? There is no explantion or input about how or why she knows the things that she does - and putting an "amnesia"-censoring on the reasons is sadly not going to fly. If your character knows how to do things, [i][b]especially[/b][/i] magic, you need to specify where and how they learned that. Also, her immunities. I'm sorry to say but being immune to "forced" fear by magic or abilities is not an option. Either you're entirely immune to fear, or you're not. You can have a natural high threshold for it, but as a (what I assume is still a regular) human, you don't really have the capacity to be immune to such an emotion, no matter how horrible or traumatizing your life's been... ... Unless there's something mentally wrong with Annabelle, or she suffered a lobotomy. That is all I have for now though. Please feel free to discuss and explain the various bits I've brought up. I'm fully open to hear your opinion and thoughts after all. :) But as it is right at this point, I cannot accept Annabelle as she is.