[quote=@Kuro] [@PsyBlade] Oi, since Vida's your own thing here, I figured that I should ask what the town is like. What goods do they have (i.e. forging, farming, etc)? Do they have some sort of town guard, and if so, what are they armed with? What types of dinosaurs and what not are usually around the town? Etc. Anything you can note down for us helps. [/quote] I'll start with the initial roster of species, and go on from there; anything with an asterisk denotes something that is not a dinosaur: [hider=Species]Australovenator Baryonyx Brachiosaurus Deinocheirus Giganotosaurus Various pterosaurs * Koolasuchus * Various hadrosaurs (duck-billed dinosaurs) Various pachycephalosaurs Mosasaurus * Proceratosaurus Utahraptor Tyrannosaurus rex Carnotaurus Gallimimus Monolophosaurus Various ceratopsians (namely Torosaurus and Nasutoceratops) Postosuchus * Amargosaurus Various stegosaurs Various ankylosaurs Other small herbivores and carnivores[/hider] Some species have been tamed to some degree, though not truly domesticated. There is a town guard, but for the most part they're armed with spears, bows, etc.; electrical weapons (like taser rifles) and firearms are only to be used in emergency situations. Vida does a little of everything, but it's a good middle ground for areas north and south of it to trade at.