Collab with Jakeozzy Master Sorni, nodded as she listened to Jedi knight. The cargo bays, made sense after all they would expect them to try and exit through the hangers but not through bays usually reserved for surplus supplies and garbage. But the problem of the knocked out padawan was something she had to address, for heading through the killing fields of the temple as they were with here would not end well for anyone. But then something dawned upon her the service corridors used by the maintenance staff. They provided a straight shot down, without having to run into much resistance from the fire teams. She just had to find one of the entrances. It was at about that time that the clones began to close in on them. As Vor’loch agreed to hold them off, she bowed her head in thanks as she picked up the girl and turned to face the other direction. The two of them had fought in enough battles during the previous three years, to know that no other words were needed, they knew their destination and the plan, any other talk would just delay them. But they knew that they would might each other again soon enough. The Jedi Master ran back towards the collapsed bridge, where Vor’loch had found the girl. The gap was too large even with force powers to get across. She couldn't turn back at that point, she could still hear the sounds of blaster fire coming from down the hall, going the other way would just get her and the girl killed. So she went the only way, she could she wrapped her arms tighter around the girl pulling her as close to her chest as possible, before jumping down the hole. She braced herself as she landed on her feet, the lower floors were more or less empty as the clones had moved deeper into the temple to finish the extermination but they had left sentires about. One of which Master Sorni ended up landing right in front of, the two figures stood looking at one another for a lone moment of silence. But Master Sorni took the initiative throwing her shoulder into his right arm, forcing his rifle to go off balance as he fired the bolt know only burning the skin around her elbow as if grazed her rather than killing her outright. The clone got up to recover and fire again but he didn't have the chance as he heard the signature pophiss of a lightsaber being ignited and then moments later a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. The clones eyes fell on the jedi as he fell, she had her lightsaber propped underneath the padawan as she held her in both arms, the saber singeing the padawans robe but doing no more. The clone let out an indiscernible grugle as he fell to the ground. The Jedi Master looked around, seeing if the other sentries had heard her; but so far she seemed fortunate. She looked along the walls, up and down the right and left side for a long moment searching for something. Then she found it a small hatch built into the wall, that had locked down automatically when the temple had been invaded, preventing an invader for sneaking around the defense and getting the drop on the Jedi and Temple Guards. But the reinforced door would not stop her for long. She laid the girl against the wall and ignited her lightsaber once again jamming it into the door, using the force to alter the damage down by the lightsaber itself as it began to sink through the door. That was when she heard the footsteps and the shouting she cursed under her breath, of course she wouldn't be that lucky. She would disengage from the door and fight the clones, but she wouldn't be able to protect the girl and she was her top priority at the moment. As she was reaching the end of the cut through the door, she could see them now and when the panel came way, they began to open fire open them. Master Sorni turned deflecting the most immediate bolts away. She looked in front of her and saw a piece of the bridge resting on the floor. She came up with a plan quickly as she reached towards the piece and put all her energy into it, and the piece lifted up off the ground only by an inch, for an inch was all she needed. Laser bolts continued to fly around her, some getting too close for comfort but beside grazing her none did serious damage, but her training keep her in focus and a moment later she propelled the large horizontal piece of bridge at the squad forcing them to dive away or be knocked down. In the momentary confusion, she picked up the girl throwing her good shoulder and slipped into the shaft. The girl and her tumbling through the maintenance shaft as it rushed downwards, falling into the darkness… By the time Master Sorni had reached the bottom, of the long descent downward, she was breathing heavily. Her injuries were slowing, her down and she didn't know how much more she could take. The path diverge in two directions from their point, one deeper into the darkness and towards the lower cargo bays and one slanting back upwards. Her back was pressed against the wall, the girl lying in front of her as she attempted to address some of her own wounds at the current moment. Ripping pieces from her robe and using them as makeshift bandages to at least stave off the bleeding momentarily. She looked down at the girl and muttered to herself with a sigh. “You know, young one if you were awake. You and I would be in a much better situation than we are now.” As Master Sorni finished speaking, there was finally a sign of life from the young Padawan as the girl picked herself up off the ground with her arms. She then used one to grip the back of her head, a little blood rubbing off on her hand. It didn't look like a lot though, and Erin wasn't exactly freaking out at the pain. "Agh, my head..." Looking around, she quickly realised this wasn't where she fell unconscious. How much time had passed, and where was she now? Her tired eyes met with Master Sorni's, then scanned along her robes to see those various battle scars she'd earned recently. Yet here was Erin without a scratch, save for that smack on the head earlier. [I]No, she couldn't have... Not with all those Clones swarming the temple! That's absolutely insane... But if she is a Jedi Master, that would explain why we didn't bite it yet.[/I] "Master? ...Did.. you save me?" Erin asked, looking quite guilty and moving closer to inspect the wounds. Then her mind raced. There were currently just two of them, it was hard not to assume the worst had happened and that they were alone. "Wait.. The Temple? What's the situation now? Has anyone else escaped? What about the younglings?" The Jedi Master looked at the young Padawan, as she came to and began asking a series of questions. She marveled at the young ones ability as they all seemed to be able to be filled with energy after being almost blown up, shot, tortured etc. As she asked about the Temple and everyone within, the Jedi looked away for a moment, before turning back with a sigh as she finished tying her makeshift bandage. “Calm down young one, you must control the fear and anger within in you.” Master Sorni explained gently as she got to her feet slowly. “The Temple as you know is under siege by the clones for reasons that even I do not know. We can no longer hold out against them and many people; Jedi or not are dying. We are currently in the Maintenance Corridors running through the temple. We are heading for the cargo bays in the lower level to meet up with Jedi Knight Vor’loch and any other survivors he can find. So I would not say that you are saved just yet.” Master Sorni explained as she began to head down the sloping corridor towards the cargo bay. She walked for a few moments more before turning her head over her shoulder and giving the Padawan a small smile. “If you want to just sit there and wait for the clones to come find you; I will not stop you. But if you wish to live to not let all those that died and are dying to protect the temple to allow the likes of us to escape. Then it would be best to follow me.” She said as she began to head out again, not bothering to look behind her again to see if the girl is coming. “Coming!” Erin chimed in almost instantly, taking both her lightsabers off their belt clips and following obediently behind the Master. After being told to calm and control herself, the girl looked much more at ease, but kept a fairly serious demeanor. There was no way she was going to get out of here alone, and she doubted that the Jedi Master would either, even if she had pulled them [i]both[/i] through so far with just one arm. Erin didn’t believe in strength in numbers after playing her part in the war, but she agreed that nobody should fight alone. “...Master?” She asked as they began to move, “My name is Erin Corona, I was Padawan to Master Sabalya until.. this happened. Could I please learn your name?” Master Sorni, tried her best to hide the smile on her face as she turned to the girl as they continued to move down the corridor. “My name is Valka Sorni and I’ve worked with Master Sabalya before… he had only good things to say about you. So let me be the first to say that it is a pleasure to have you awake again..” And with nothing else said they progressed deeper and deeper as the temple around them shook as the LAATs continued to bombard the temple from above.