[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/383674146426454019/665651481101467679/NicomedeHeader.png[/img][/center] [center]Mentions/Interactions: [@HereComesTheSnow][/center] [color=aa0808]"Take heed of the soulless, too. Usually even worse."[/color] The remark was quiet, slipped in like a riposte before the other knight passed out of earshot. Nicomede smiled more with his eyes than the rest of his face, a trace of genuine levity in a serious atmosphere. Not that the remark was entirely in jest, either; at least not in any other environment. Here at the ball it wasn't very likely. But then neither had been an assassination attempt on the princess, so who was to say? With Fanilly on her feet and a secure perimeter established he returned his blade to its sheathe entirely. He could work another defensive interception without him anyway, and the area was [i]definitely[/i] becoming a little crowded to be handling live steel. Even at this distance he could catch a glimpse of the scarring on the Nem's neck, and a frown tugged at his mouth. Whether by stature or age the small assailant reminded him a little of his sister, and he didn't like to consider how she might have come by them. Still, as Sir Gerard had requested, he moved a little closer to where Dame Maritza had the assassin and observed quietly.