[@Kazemitsu],[@Afro Samurai],[@The Irish Tree] [i]The Church just south of the Ruin's Center:[/i] As soon as the great lizard warrior began to draw closer to the man, even though he was trying to scooch to the far side of him, he'd notice something. The strange heap that had been laying off to the side in the church began to stir. The strange man in robes merely looked at Kaze as he moved about, his bulging eyes staring, while one twitched at random and lost its focus, before resuming to watch. "Not pilgrims? Not supplicants? Choice? You have none." The man then said, clasping his hands together and wringing them tightly into a knot infront of himself. "This is the house of the Gods, you pass through when they say so. They haven't said so. You stay. Like them. They all stay." He spoke, voice hoarse and speech jittery. "Be not afraid, no harm becomes you here. You are safe, oh yes so very safe. In here you are protected, the Gods' halls shield you. And shielded you must be, yes, yes, yes, yes, from the great evil... The falsehood taints all hearts, so many lost, so many." He shook his head, with a palm upon his forehead for emphasis at the supposed travesty, as he craned and arched backwards in apparent, or supposed, grief. Then he snapped back to his former, slightly hunched stance at took his eyes off Kaze, glaring instead now at the elven girl and elven paladin over at the opposite ends of the church. A wide smile spread across his emaciated face. "Ah! But you [b][i]are[/i][/b] pilgrims! Yes, look! The Gods hold your shoulders! So radiant, so glorious! Come from afar to these forsaken plains, no doubt to do the Gods' work, mmmm'yeeees?" He seemed very excited now, stepping forward and off the slightly elevated piece of floor where the altar and podium had once-upon-a-time stood. His hands were swiftly being rolled infront of him, as if he was kneading his own fingers. "Come, stand, walk, sing. Children of Light, such brilliant light, you must work and join with the Gods. Oh yes, you must.... You. [i]Must.[/i]" His eyes narrowed and the wolfish grin on his face was quite unpleasant. His spasming eye flicked over to look at the heap to the side, which was now still once again. "Just. Like. Them."