[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TQyqmU7.png[/img] [color=edd17e][h3][sub][i]Each star a new world. Each star a destiny to be explored.[/i][/sub][/h3][/color][/center] [color=fff4d4]It was slow at first - a few gifted children here and there - like the kind that you would read about in newspapers or see on TV on “slow news days”. Whether it was the story of a boy graduating from MIT at 12 and later going on to work for NASA and other top scientific bodies in the United States, or the 8 year old playing piano in front of a full Carnegie Hall, everyone just assumed it was more tales of extraordinary humans. No one noticed or cared that these kids all had white stars of varying shapes and sizes on their body. Things got out of control fast when the extraordinary began defying the laws of nature. It started with the collapse of Big Ben when a child accidentally weakened the entire sub-atomic structure of the building. The next shock was when the US president was found assassinated in the oval office after a 13-year old had simply asked to be let in and put a bullet through his head. Then the connection was drawn - all of these children and teenagers had that white star somewhere on their bodies. The reactions were mixed. Members of the scientific community called for calm as they tried to figure out the origin of the “Stars” as they had been colloquially named, but that didn’t stop the riots. These riots occurred outside police stations and government buildings with demands to arrest and imprison the Stars for the safety of the public. Religious fanaticism reared its ugly head, with some priest and cults calling the Stars the first sign of Antichrist having come to earth. In several cases, the military had to be called in to quell the riots and protect the Stars from being harmed. The abuse that several Stars suffered during this period also brought about “the black star corruption”. It was found then when a Star suffered extreme amounts of physical or mental trauma, their star mark would turn black and their powers would become amplified. This brought about another problem however - corrupted Stars would slowly lose their moral sense and often suffer from psychosis. This also served to amply fears and cause more rioting. Despite that, however, the situation was brought under control but it was clear that this was only the first sign of the dominant question of an era. Politicians and other public figures began calling for legislation restricting the rights of Stars, or outright forcing them into ghettos. Following these incidents and the initial fears, a number of organizations rose up to handle the crisis. The first was Nova Infintium around 5 years after the initial incident. Nova Infintium was formed by some of the original Stars - including Ethan Carter, the Star known for graduating MIT at 12, who became the head of the organization. Nova Infinitium quickly constructed an academy for Stars - a safe haven where they could learn how to control their powers and flee from a society that oppressed them, giving them a competitive, cutting-edge education and ensuring they would be well taken care of and trained with their capabilities. Their physical location is at odds with their proposal; their campus is a small one, situated in the most rural mountains of upstate New York, well out of sight and often out of mind in the actual politics surrounding Stars, which they’ve remained quiet about. Rumors have circulated within the Star community that they are up to something far more nefarious, but nothing has confirmed or proven that. Outwardly, they are a stellar (pun intended) organization, providing excellent structure and challenging development for Stars of all stages of growth and powers. They are fairly well-supported by all sides of society - no matter what you think of them, or if you fully trust their founder, they’re doing what they can to keep the Star problem under control in our cities and towns, and for that they have a lot of respect. The second to be founded was Lux Astra. Founded by a woman named Alexandria Grant who, while not a star herself, advocates for the full inclusion of all stars into society; she also contributes immensely to a research program that seeks to find a cure for the black star corruption. Located directly in Washington D.C, Lux Astra is a group of both stars and non-stars, though it finds itself struggling against both Nova Infinitium’s collection of Stars and support from the government, as well as the general public’s fear of Stars. Though they struggle with personnel and funding for more hands-on movements, they have made up for it in legal battles, blocking legislation that would have greatly restricted star rights and providing an advocacy network for Stars mistreated in their homes and communities.The public often has a split view on them; some see them as “reactionaries” who are just “pandering” to current social pressures, while others acknowledge the contributions they are making to reintegrate society. These two organizations, notwithstanding the occasional hate group, ultimately do make up the bulk of the conversation around the future of Stars. As tensions rise, both between these groups and the world abroad, it’s become clear that no side has the full story, or all the answers. But things cannot remain as they have been; no - with the way society is going, [i]something[/i] has to be done about this problem. With no easy answers, society might just have to turn to the stars themselves. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fsFRxQF.png[/img][/center] [color=edd17e][b]1: Don't be an asshat.[/b] 2: All identities are valid. Gatekeeping, IC or OOC, will NOT be tolerated. 3: Post often; we're all grown-ups and don't need mandatory post cycles, but the GMs reserve the right to puppet characters of inactive players to further stuck plots. 4: Be respectful to your fellow players. Godmodding and OP powers are no fun for anyone else. 5: GMs reserve the right to add, remove, or modify rules at any time.[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/z0J15Rh.png[/img][/center] The year is 2032. You are a Star-marked teen or twenty-something attending the Nova Excelsis Institute of Higher Learning - the private secondary school and college run by Nova Infinitum both as a way to support and study Stars and their capabilities. Some of you may have been involved with Nova Infinitum in some form since early childhood, as their Nova Academy program provides full-time care, room and board for students as young as four, but not all of you need have been. Parents of Starred children are under considerable pressure and incentive to send students into NI’s programs as soon as possible, but not all do. Some of you may have had some semblance of a normal childhood, even. Whatever your story, here you are. The world is imploding around you, but Nova Infinitum has remained resolute in keeping you informed of what’s going on and even asking for your input, if you’re an upperclassman. You are safe to be yourself, unapologetically, while on their campus, they make sure of it. Still, there’s something just slightly ...off, something you can’t quite put your finger on, even while you go about your studies and prepare for a placement into the real world. NI does amazing things with placements; some Stars go on to be government agents, some into biomedical research, some as performers or authors. Your future looks bright, but still - something is wrong; even as the institute tries to convince you otherwise. Pressure from various other groups, including Lux Astra - which seeks to dismantle even the excellence and prestige of this institution that has sheltered you - is starting to seep in through the cracks. Some part of you wonders what’s waiting for you in the world beyond. [i]Following is the format you will use to bring your character into the universe. Please post your completed sheet here for GM approval. Feel free to modify and prettify the layout; you're welcome to switch color codes and add graphics, if you wish! However, all of these sections must be filled. Thank you![/i][/color] [hider=Character Sheet] [color=edd17e][b]Name:[/b][/color] [color=edd17e][b]Gender / Preferred Pronouns:[/b][/color] [color=edd17e][b]Age:[/b][/color] [i]14-24, please! Remember most traditional students graduate by 22 - if your char is older, consider if they changed majors or perhaps started school late. [/i] [color=edd17e][b]Year and Degree Program:[/b][/color] [i]The program at Nova Excelsis includes four years of high school and four years of university. If your character is at the university level, please list their degree.[/i] [color=edd17e][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] [i]As Nova Infinitum is an international organization, characters from both America and abroad are welcome![/i] [color=edd17e][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [i]Description is required; a photo or semirealistic art reference may be provided in addition.[/i] [color=edd17e][b]Location and Notes on Star Mark:[/b][/color] [i]Size, number of points, that sort of thing can all go here. If your character’s power is corrupted, their star mark will be dark black or occasionally burgundy; otherwise it will be pale white.[/i] [color=edd17e][b]Star power:[/b][/color] [i]Consider creative symbolism between the star location and the power the character has. Is your character’s power corrupted? If so, how has it grown stronger? Please be advised that, while we are allowing corrupted Stars, these characters are under particular scrutiny for misuse of their powers (both OOC and IC).[/i] [color=edd17e][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [color=edd17e][b]Biography:[/b][/color] [color=edd17e][b]Notable Rumors:[/b][/color] [i]Something is said about everyone At least one rumor that might be whispered about your character, be it good, bad, or random.[/i] [color=edd17e][b]Trivia:[/b][/color] [i]Any sort of fun facts people would know?[/i] [color=edd17e][b]Other:[/b][/color] Anything else? [/hider]