[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200129/2b530ba2297eea5b234b6eed58e3d1df.png[/img][/center] [i]“Mhm.”[/i] With a slightly amused expression upon her face, the Goliath returned a glare at the trio of wild boars in the distance, their ivory tusks catching flecks of yellow-orange ambient sunlight. Oddly enough, it was as though she could hear the beasts whispering, wondering why such a motley group of adventurers had entered their domain unannounced. Who could blame them though? The group didn’t belong there, but it was all a big game nevertheless, and so there they were, trespassing on lands that should have been left to the wilds. As the boars vanished into the thick woodlands, Vah’lux sighed, allowing the afternoon breeze to melt away the beaded sweat along her brow, cooling her massive body in the process. On the one hand, an animal hunt would be quite favorable considering the weather conditions, wondering what the meat may taste like from a land so far away from her own. However, she suspected there would be no [i]real[/i] food aside from their rations until their quest was completed and they had returned to the human village. But there were no guarantees in the unknown. The woman narrowed her eyes as she continued to survey the area for anything further that may be lurking in the shadows and otherwise, following the lead of the human Paladin towards the field... [hider=Spot check] Surveying the area for possible threats [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18367]16[/url] [/hider]