[quote=@PKMNB0Y] [@Sanity43217]: Okay, there's a few major problems that present themselves to me immediately here. First: the racial passives. Frankly speaking, I really dislike the idea of an entire aspect of a game being locked behind a single race, and this is no exception. Creativity is inherent to a person, not a race, and implying otherwise... It doesn't sit well with me. On top of that, we have other races of magically-inclined people, so tacking that on top of this already-problematic proposal... Nope. Second: the mech. I'm going to be honest: I, at some point or another, expected a mech of some variety, especially given modern design sensibilities. My problem here, though, is that it seems to be a bit [i]too[/i] technologically far forward for a month's worth of development relative to that. It's vague and seems somewhat out of place given that fact, so... Yeah. That's it, really. I'm rejecting the form primarily off of those two issues. [/quote] Thank you for the criticism, I'll start working on a new sheet. Although next time, I would appreciate what you actually didn't like about it other than just saying "It's vague and seems somewhat out of place given that fact, so... Yeah." Given everyone else's forms are rather vague. Plus it seems a little odd that you would allow an Immortal and Demon lord, but deny a Gnome character. Just doesn't sit well with "so long as it's not too outlandish/absurd/crazy."