[img]https://cdn3-www.superherohype.com/assets/uploads/2019/09/Tank-Girl.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24][h1][center]Gwendolyn Dexter Barrett [/center][/h1][/color] Time: Day Location: Ember Grove Mall/Pancake Factory/ Heading towards the Campgrounds Interactions: Nobody Gwen after leaving the Pink Canoe and taking a taxi to the Ember Grove Mall, she knew that the Pancake Factory was located in the food court of the mall. After twenty or so minutes she arrived at the mall making her way to the food court, she was reminded of in her youth when she was still a human being a mall rat with her friends. She missed those carefree days of hanging out with her friends and harassing old people. Walking around the food court wondering which store she was suppose to talk to this guy, Of course it wouldn't take long for her to find the store in question. Luckily for her she didn't have to wait too long in the line to talk to this guy, She could tell the person taking her ordering was this Serif guy. Standing in front of her was this tall Asian male with a thousand year stare looking passed her, "Hello welcome to Pancake Factory, how may i help you?" The man with the name tag of "Serif" with a fake smile painted onto his face. "I don't want anything, but i'm looking for a sheila named Luna. Have you seen her or heard of her?" She asked and could see Serif's face cringe at the very mention of that name. "Louie take over for me, i gotta do something" Serif yelled behind him to another cook who calmly walked over taking his place where nothing would have changed. Gwen followed Serif to the cramped staff room sitting down on a steel folded chair, "So why are you looking for Luna?" He asked rising a brow her way. "Well i got something i want to ask her, and if i don't talk to her my brain matter is gonna be all over the street" She said motioning with her hand of her brain falling to the floor. "If it includes your brains being blown out, then you will have to level with me and let me know why you want to talk to her" Serif moved his body closer towards Gwen. "Well i mean that if i don't find this Luna chick, i ain't going to be in the good graces of my boss" She could see that Serif's face was confused and understandably so. "Well i might know where she might be, but honestly it's info i heard a few weeks ago" Serif said with Gwen moving her head closer curious of where she could be. "Try looking around the local campground, I heard she was usually hanging out around there" His voice suddenly lowering staring her down. "But i gotta warn ya, these guys hate your people so you gotta tread carefully. Or you know enjoy being torn apart" Shrugging his shoulders while leaning back in his chair. Serif gave her the location of where the campground was located, Gwen meanwhile was writing all of this down so she could not forget. "Thanks for the location and the advice, i owe ya one" She stood up walking away when she heard Serif speaking up. "I'll bring some flowers for your funeral" A respond that made Gwen feel a bit uneasy as she left the mall. After she had left Serif's sights he pulled out his phone dialing a number, "Just warning you guys theirs a vampire coming looking for Luna, you better be careful around her" He said having a conversation with the person on the other line.