[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200122/e953ebd7baa8b50eccbebc557e8aa65b.png[/img] [@PlatinumSkink] [hider=Inventory] Items: 1x Potion, 5 pokeballs, mandolin, sketch pad and graphite pencils Pokédollars: 1,500p. [/hider] [hider=Roster] [img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/4/4c/554Darumaka.png/240px-554Darumaka.png[/img] Pokémon Name: Cecil Species: Darumaka Gender: ♀ Type: Fire Level: 5 Moves: Rollout, Tackle, Incinerate Ability: Hustle Held Item: None [/hider] [/center] The energy in the port was absolutely electric; workers were going about helping hull goods off ships and there were stalls filled with various goods, smells, and sights as far as the eye can see. Basil's eyes lit up at the prospect of finding unique items that could not be found in Isson and began his little adventure in the marketplace. The mail was not exactly the most enticing thing in the world though what caught his eye were the ash glass flutes on display. Of course he was not allowed to touch them since dropping them would put both the the shopkeeper and him in a bad position so Basil just admired them in their glass cases. It was temping to drop some cash to buy one, but it would more than likely burn a hole into his wallet and he doesn't even know how to play to begin with, after all, he was a mandolin player. Food was also one of the things that caught his eye and there all kinds from all over the world. They all looked so tempting to buy and really he would have bought something if he did not catch something from the corner of his eye, something completely out of place. [color=8882be]"What the hell?"[/color] Basil said, looking at what appeared to be an honest to god pirate ship. There were so many questions, but it was so out there that he did not even know what to ask. The only thing he thought to do was to to get closer to it so examine it in greater detail and as he got closer, he saw an actual pirate captain towering over some poor man who looked rather displeased. Behind him were two...interestingly dressed women and a giant bear that looked like it was going to maul someone in a second. Basil took his Pokedex and scanned the angry looking thing. [color=6ecff6]"Pokédex Entry #614 – Beartic, the Freezing Pokémon. They love the cold seas of the north. It creates pathways across the ocean waters by freezing their own breath, and swims around northern seas to catch prey. It creates fangs and claws of ice using its breath to fight with, and are very capable swimmers."[/color] Huh, and that thing was ready to rip someone into shreds. What really got Basil's attention though was Zachery angrily proclaiming that he was going to introduce non-native Pokemon to Isson. Now he did not know about anyone else, but that certainly was something of great interest to him though that seemed to be the issue that they were arguing about. Well, it's not like Basil did not understand that introducing foreign Pokemon could have severe ramifications so that Zachery fellow was in one heck of a bind, until his eyes met his and a hooked hand was directly pointing at him. [color=8882be]"Me?"[/color] Basil looked left and right to see if he was referring to anyone else, but nope, he somehow got roped into this. So this was the start of his journey: being offered a Pokemon by a scary pirate and his subordinates. It's not like would have objected to it though that Beartic certainly cemented the deal just by looking terrifying. What did he even want though? It was not like he had that great of an understanding on what kind of Pokemon there were! He was just a beginning trainer!"[color=8882be]"Um, I literally just received my first Pokemon so I don't think I could handle something insanely strong right now..."[/color] He scratched his neck as he began to think on what he wanted though he had a thought; he wanted to cover Cecil's weakness though he wanted some serious potential for fire power. There was something actually, something he saw on a TV special about the Pokemon in the Galar region. [color=8882be]"Actually, there is something. It's a Pokemon from Galar that's electric and poison typing and its evolution plays music though I can't remember what it's called."[/color]