[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191217/01aa794603b571c65262ae1762d30edb.png[/img][/center] [Color=darkgray][b]Time:[/b][/color] Late Morning [Color=darkgray][b]Location:[/b][/color] Ember Grove Mall to Woods [Color=darkgray][b]Interaction with:[/b][/color] [hr] Confusion struck Damien as Astraea left flustered and in a hurry. She hadn't even given him her beat-up copy of the [i]Shatter Me[/i] novel. Damien didn't know what to make of the interaction as he hadn't gained anything from it. In fact, he lost quite a bit to the woman. Time, money, and effort. All because of… Who knew? Did he even want to know? Damien figured he'd run into Astraea again. Ember Grove was small and she was just too interesting to let slip away. He continued to stare at the entrance. The thought of following her was tempting, but he had to go see… Lucy. He sighed as he pictured the bird's dark judging eyes staring blankly into his. He had been moving about aimlessly without her guidance, so meeting with her was definitely needed. He walked outside and walked southbound in order to hit the treeline. The rain had finally stopped, but it had gotten rid of some of the foot traffic in town. Damien disappeared into the woods where he found Lucy, his familiar and guide. [Color=darkgray]"Good morning Lucy. What's the plan?"[/color]