Penelope mirrored Crow's smirk as he responded to her. The knight rolled her eyes teasingly as he pointed out the success of his stubbornness when it came to getting food. "I guess there are some perks to annoying people into giving you what you want. I can't deny it's effective, I know what it's like to be on the receiving end." she joked giving an exaggerated shudder. As he held out the piece of bread to her, the knight hesitated before accepting it from him. While normally she may have been able to get by until lunch, the lack of sleep had drained a good portion of her energy and getting a bite to eat would surely help with that. "I'm touched that you're willing to share with me. I know how much food means to you." Penelope said with mock seriousness as she brought up her bread-filled hand to her heart in another exaggerated gesture. Her expression quickly cracked into a smirk. "But thank you. I was afraid I would have to wait until we stopped before I could eat." she said in a more genuine tone before she took a bite from the bread he had given her. Having something to focus on now, the knight found it a little more easier to fight off her remaining weariness from the night before. Chewing thoughtfully, her gaze flickered briefly over their surroundings. Now a little more awake she was able to focus more on the task at hand, which included her own worries about the group being attacked. The knight shifted a bit in her saddle and glanced over towards Crow besides her. "Crow," she began in a low voice, trying to keep the others nearby from eavesdropping. Luckily with Naida too groggy to try and butt in on the conversation, the knight felt they might be able to speak a little more privately. Especially since Otto was wrapped up in a conversation with his son and Percy didn't seem to particularly be paying attention to them. "Are you still planning to tell them about the mercenaries at some point?" she asked, her voice a whisper. She met his gaze searchingly. She knew he had some hesitations about addressing what he had possibly seen and that she had advised against telling them the direct truth, but she still felt it was important to give the rest of the group a word of warning. Once she left the group, the only one who'd be even remotely ready for such an attack would be Crow.