[hider=Listener] WHAT WAS YOUR CHARACTER'S NAME? WHAT IS THE CODENAME THEY NOW GO BY AS A ZE? “Hmmm? Oh! I am… was? Marissa Kane. My, uh, codename is Listener.” DESCRIBE YOUR CHARACTER'S MASK AND APPEARANCE. “I love my mask! It’s a metal faceplate made of some really light stuff! Amazing craftsmanship! Etched on it is a nice pretty diamond design… wait is that a diamond? Hmm… some sort of crystal. Like crystal clear, right! Haha! Anyways, it looks great! Sooooo… What's your mask like?” “I love to be fashionable, but you know, you got to dress for the occasion. That’s what Mum always taught me anyways. I usually wear stuff that’s easy to move in, y’know. Like these trousers, and this nice long-sleeved shirt. Does this green look good on me?” WHAT IS A STRANGER'S FIRST IMPRESSION UPON MEETING THEM? HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER SEE THEMSELVES? “I love meeting new strangers! New people! Gosh, why’d you have to use ‘strangers’? Like, saying that out loud is so weird. I know sometimes I can come across a little strong. At least that’s what Mum and Dad tells me. I usually do well when it comes to adjusting myself to meet and match their personality… the best I can read it anyways, and I’ve been told I’m good at that. “As far as how I see myself… hmmm… Well, I know I am definitely a bubbly social butterfly. I love to be playful. I love the word ‘love’. I like to think of myself as a bit of a romantic, but I won’t let that get in the way of work. Ugh, I hate talking about myself. Let’s talk about you!” WHERE DID THEY GROW UP? WHERE DO THEY FEEL AT HOME? “I grew up on the road. Mum and Dad are traveling traders, so I got to travel the world. I definitely would say I feel at home with whoever I feel comfortable with: friends and family. Well, basically wherever feels good. How about you?” WHO ARE (WERE) THE MOST IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN THEIR LIVES? “Mum and Dad are the most important people in my life. I’m here actually because they wanted me to do something different from their profession. I don’t think this would be their first choice, or even any choice at all, but I, like, got the idea of this stuck in my head, and it just won’t get out.” WHAT IS THEIR PROFESSION, SKILL OR LIFESTYLE? WHAT DO THEY THINK THEIR STRENGTHS ARE? WHAT ARE THEIR ACTUAL STRENGTHS? “I like to think I’m really good with people. I did grow up on the road meeting all kinds of folks. While I never paid much attention to my parents’ work I’m pretty sure I can do well enough negotiating and stuff. I’ve been told I’m a great listener though. Maybe it’s because I’m good at paying attention. I know it doesn’t seem like it because I do talk so much. “I’m actually really good at sneaking around, and not being seen. I used to always get into places I shouldn’t be, and I didn’t like being caught, so I got great at sneaking and hiding. Oh who am I kidding? I still like getting into places I shouldn't be.” Her true strength is her optimism. Even through the toughest circumstances she is always able to see a positive somewhere in the darkness. WHAT ARE THEIR FEARS, FLAWS AND SECRETS? “I am actually really really afraid that I might learn something that completely ruins my view of life as I know it. Like, I’ve heard in my travels from some people -- not always directly from them to me -- about something awful happening causing them to lose all hope. Well, I, uh, that really freaks me out. “My flaws… hmmm… I tend to think too much which causes me to assume things which has always gotten me into waaay too much trouble before. Or at least it has caused me some embarrassment. Some people don’t like how happy I am, so I guess that’s a flaw, but I think that’s just weird. “Secrets? No one else gets to know, right? Just between you and me? Okay, I’m trusting you here. I was playing rough with a boy from a small village known as Pin, and well we accidentally knocked down a lantern and it set fire to half the village. He and I got out okay, and I don’t think anyone found out it was either of us, but I’m always a bit nervous I’ll meet someone from Pin, and I’m worried to find out someone they cared about was hurt in that fire. Now, tell me, what’s a secret you have?” WHAT DO THEY WANT MOST? WHAT DO THEY ACTUALLY NEED? “I want an adventure, but I don’t really know what I actually need. Maybe, what I need is exactly what I want? How about you?” She needs to be loved and admired by everyone. WHY DID THEY JOIN THE ZEPHYR EXTINCT? “Oh that’s easy! I want to learn new things! As many new things as I can! Like, seriously, I’m looking to expand my horizons here… Well, actually, it’s more because I can’t get the idea out of my head. Do you know why I can’t get it out of my head? I don’t.” HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE THIS CHARACTER CHANGE AND DEVELOP? I am definitely not entirely sure how I want to see Marrissa change and develop. I’m definitely a believer of natural development of a character through the events that happen throughout the course of a RP. What would probably be best is for her bubbliness to be tempered by tough circumstances and reality, but who knows, she could go totally insane? PITCH A SMALL SUBPLOT THAT WOULD BE PERSONALLY MEANINGFUL TO YOUR CHARACTER. It would be interesting to see her be discovered and confronted by a villager from Pin who lost someone dear to them. She thinks no one saw her escape outside of the boy she was playing around with. Maybe it’s the boy himself all grown up now that lost someone as a result of the fire and full of resentment towards her. [/hider]