[@ERode],[@Click This],[@OwO],[@PigeonOfAstora],[@Asuras] [i]Forgotten Ruins Center][/i] At Cecilia's comment, Hawklen would simply wag his finger and let out a series of 'tsk'-sounds, as if the young lady was a small child who had just done something naughty. With a sweeping motion of his hand, he pointed at Krenna's club. "Now, you see here, milady. My dear ally here has neither strap nor hook with which to hang her weapon. I mean, look at her, she's barely wearing anything at all!" Which was undeniably true. "Where's she supposed to put her equipment if there's nowhere to put it? Surely you don't mean to say she should drop it, like you've pretended to do with your spear?" The man said, turning to Cecilia with a smile, thougyh his eyes glinted dangerously. "And honestly, if you're gonna make up lies at least make them believable. There's no way our horse-riding maiden is a merchant. Such people would never set foot inside of here." The bard stated matter-of-factly. It seemed he was a bit more shrewd than he let on. "But, if it'll make you feel better... Glum, could you come here?" He called. The Wizard said nothing, but began to walk, slowly, towards his two allies. Hawklenm's head then turned to look around the ruined plaza, only top stop momentarily and glare at the tower with the hole in. He turned back to look at Cecilia with a sheepish smile. "As for your other request, weeeeeeeell... I think Norbe's gone and gotten some of that explorer's thirst you spoke of." At this point, it became very clear where Norbe was. The black-armored man was already scaling the tower, using climbing spikes. Amazingly, despite his rather square and stocky build, he was scaling the structure with practiced and steady pace - not fast mind you, but he was contineously moving upwards. Before anyone could do or say anything else though, Glum raised a hand and pointed, past the three nobles and to an alley behind them. Hawklen raised an eyebrow, squinted and peered in the direction. He turned back to Glum, who made a motion like drawing a line with his index-finger over his eyes. Hawklen's smile vanished, and he turned back to the trio. "I see... So you had a fourth friend hiding over there... And invisible, no less." His voice was now devoid of any friendliness or warmth that it had had before. "It seeems you lot can't be trusted, trying to disarm us, lying to us and not even introducing all of yourselves. Deal's off, I'm afraid." The man said plainly. Of course, before anyone did anything else, there was a sound from underground. Then a brief explosion and rising of dust. Hawklen and Krenna let out surprised squawks, while Glum merely wlaked backwards, as apparently unphased as always. From the new hole in the street, a woman emerged. Followed by some strange, red... Globular... Thing(?)... And, as she stood between the two gruops that had previously been mere eye-battings from going at one another, she just smiled. She had short hblack hair and was almost as skantily dressed as Krenna, perhaps even more so. If there had been crickets in the Forgotten Ruins, they would be chirping right about now.