[center][h3]~ Crown Of Thaln ~[/h3][/center] [center][i]Interacted with:[/i] [@VitaVitaAR], [@Raineh Daze], [@FlappyTheSpybot][/center] After talking with [u]Tyaethe[/u], Jarde followed [u]Fanilly[/u] towards the subdued Nem assassin. She had ordered to secure the perimeter, to increase the security already provided by the Crown Knights. Jarde would obey but then everyone else assumed their positions. Sure, he could join them but his presence would only make those places crowded and possibly reduce its effectiveness especially considering Jarde was not the person you want to stand and hold a position. Besides, he could just make it seem he was just passing by on his way. That and he was also curious to what was going on with the intruder. [u]Maritza[/u] had removed the scarf around the Nem's neck to reveal a nasty scar, one that indicated a terrible wound was inflicted upon it. Jarde grimaced at the sight but now they knew why the Nem was so quiet. He felt pity and wondered what story was behind this little intruder. [u]Fanilly[/u] ordered for writing implements and once the assassin got them, she had but one, shaky message. [quote][i]'YOU KILLED HER'[/i][/quote] "[color=yellow]Well that's not ominous at all.[/color]" Jarde felt a slight chill at the words and what they could mean. What was clear, though, was that this assassination attempt was one of vengeance. A passionate one from the looks of it since the Nem had tears welling up in her eyes. She was probably angry and sad that her attempt failed. At least, that was what seemed to Jarde. The 'Her' was probably someone near and dear to the would-be assassin. 'You' was the more vague question. The Crown Princess was the closest candidate, but could it be her? The Princess was beloved across Thaln. "[color=yellow]Who here wanna bet that she's talking about the Princess?[/color]" Still, Jarde put it out there to begin the conversation.