“Not quite” Slade would reply an amused look “Though I have met him before” He would add as he checked to make sure that Jin was belted in securely. He had zero worry about his driving skills, but it was never a bad idea to recheck when safety was a concern. That thought was put on hold when she displayed her capability of telekinesis, however and he let his surprise show “Well it seems you have more than just your mothers eyes” he would remark with a smile as he snagged the keys out of the air. “But it is rather impressive to have learned about it so young” he would praise her before closing the door so that he could move up to the driver’s seat. It wouldn’t be long after that they would start on the journey to Slade’s home, the sound system in the car quietly playing classical music as they went. It was not the first time that he was glad to have purchased a house in Jump city; he doubted it would be the last. He wasn’t surprised to see that Jinayah had fallen asleep when he checked on her in the rear view mirror, but was glad to see it none the less. He hopped that it was a sign that she felt at least somewhat safe with him rather than finally being overwhelmed by the events of the day. [i]‘Likely a bit of both’[/i] he would muse. If he had wanted Slade could have made it to his house in fifteen minutes, but that would have required him to break just about all of the road laws. So instead it took him closer to an hour, the reason for this was the fact that his house was ensconced in the richer districts. It wasn’t the most expensive house in Jump, but it was in the neighborhood. Once he parked the car Slade would quietly and gently, lift Jinny out of her seat and carry her inside and into the guest room closest to his room and tuck her in, making sure that she had her stuffed... He took another look at it in minor confusion… Cat, before heading to his own room to put all of his equipment away. Afterwards he would head down to the kitchen and pour himself a glass of rum and gaze out the window reminiscing about Yumiko. He wouldn’t stay up much later though. He had plans to wake up early and make breakfast for both himself and Jinayah, but for the moment he allowed himself one last moment of remorse to the fact that he wasn’t quick enough to help his friend. [i]‘Sayonara kyūyū’[/i] he would think quietly before draining his glass. Before he would at last retire for the night.