[center][h2] Darth Trayus [/h2][/center] I can sense Xan exhausting herself down on the planet, and could see how the storm bent towards her location. Ships were escaping, including the Twilights, but it didn’t matter. What little was left was hardly a match for what I had at my disposal. [center][h2] Ursa Lyn [/h2][/center] I enter the main chamber with a weakened Hayden Twilight in cuffs. Trailing behind me is the grotesque monster that was once Gendry. “She has awoken from the mind prisoner, my lord.” [center][h2] Hayden Twilight[/h2][/center] My head lulls to the floor, so Gendry yanks it up by my hair so I can look at Trayus. I smile weakly. “Ha... You look worse for ware, old man.” [center][h2] Darth Trayus [/h2][/center] “Charming to the last.” I point to the window, through which she can see Coruscant being destroyed. “See what you’ve made me do? All these people die because of your stubborn refusal to join my side.” [center][h2] Hayden Twilight[/h2][/center] “They don’t know how lucky they are. To die in this world would be far greater than to live on in yours.” [center][h2] Darth Trayus [/h2][/center] “You won’t be so lucky. Until you embrace your true destiny, your torment will be eternal.” I lean closer. “And believe me, I mean eternal.” My eyes flash purple. “Submit to me or submit to Kreia.” [center][h2] Hayden Twilight[/h2][/center] I can feel the cold hand of the ghost reaching out into my mind, and I try to resist. I had already been through days of mental torment, but the thought of this Sith spirit taking control was beyond horrific. “I’ve... killed you twice already, Sucal. Third time will be the charm, I promise.” [center][h2] Darth Trayus [/h2][/center] “We’ll see. Once Coruscant is in ruins, we have one final stop before I run out of patience. Until then, enjoy the show.” [center][h2] Millu’ci’vanda [/h2][/center] Outside, I dodge and weave through the storm towards clear space. “Alright! How the hell are we getting out of here and where are we going?” [center][h2] Jakito Twilight [/h2][/center] “I don’t know yet.” I keep a channel open to the other escaping ships. “We need to find someplace to regroup. Possibly either Dantooine or Alderaan.” [center][h2] Becca Twilight [/h2][/center] I look towards the station, feeling a familiar presence. “Hayden’s aboard that station.”