Aurora let out a "tch" as the man left her. What an irritating interaction, now she knew how to write the sort of interaction that would make an audience hate a character for wasting their time. Who did he think he was, suggesting an epithet was like a weapon. It was just a part of you. You can put a gun away, you can't put away an epithet. What a wackjob, and not even the fun kind that you could make a story around, just a boring weirdo who thinks he knows best. Well now that he was gone, she could finally go put some real clothes on. She looked back at the beach one last time, noticing something peculiar. A girl with a real-ass goddamn sword. That was odd, but definitely interest-piquing, noting her speaking to a small child. She tightened the towel around her shoulders once more, and approached quietly, noting the appearence, her slightly broken glasses. What an interesting character she could make. Aurora stood within sight of her, writing down her appearance at speed. Heh, this was rad, what made her glasses look like that? Oh she had so many ideas. Anyone nearby would totally see this random girl staring and writing intensely, it would look rather like insanity to anyone who simply saw it at a glance.