[hider=About Haunted Panda] I just wanted to spend some time to tell you a bit about myself in this little blurb. I've been RPing for something like two decades now; mostly online, sometimes in other ways. I tend to be a high casual to low advanced roleplayer, with an average of 2 good paragraphs per post most of the time -- and a high of... a lot more, if there's a lot to go over in a certain post. I tend to prefer faster paced RP, but due to a lack of quality partners in some of the places where I usually find such RP, I've taken to looking into the option of a play by post format such as this! That's not to say play by post is a bad way to do things, it's just not familiar and I might take some time to really get into the swing of things. Please be patient with me while I get my bearings. I generally enjoy creating my own characters for each and every RP that I do, and while I might use images of characters from established media to represent my characters, it is incredibly rare for me to do any sort of actual fandom RP. Exceptions could be made on occasion, but I wouldn't count on them. I'm capable of playing male, female or even futa-styled characters with relative ease -- though I have the most experience with female characters. It's not necessarily because I exclusively enjoy playing as women, but because in the usual places I play... males tend to be overlooked nine times out of ten. I'd actually LIKE to get a chance to play some male characters whenever possible. I don't have a lot of experience with smut, but I'm not against it. Generally speaking, however, I prefer to use any adult themes as window dressing for the overall story -- not exclusively focus on sex and debauchery. [/hider] Today, I'm looking for someone to RP with for a fairly specific scenario. I'd like to play in a fictional country much like Venice circa the year 1300, with great noble houses controlling the country's economic and political power. Our characters would be part of one such house, a pair of twins; one male named Allegro, and one female named L'istessa. The names can be changed later, but for the sake of this initial story, that's what I'm going to use. Growing up, our protagonists were always particularly close. There was a spark of attraction there, even at a young age. They knew that it was wrong, of course. But sometimes, the things that you know are wrong are the most tempting, aren't they? Unfortunately for them, their father grew wise to the growing attraction between the young twins fairly early on, and made a point to keep them separate to avoid a scandal causing problems for their house. As the twins grew up, the restrictions placed upon them remained firm. It was nearly impossible to find time to be alone together, though even with all the oversight, they did fine short moments to spend together. Never enough to satisfy either of them, but enough to keep the attraction strong. Their parents eventually arranged marriages for each of them, which at first seemed like it might have been the final nail in the coffin for their doomed romance... Until L'istessa's fiancee put the pieces together and grew suspicious of her relationship with her brother. In a spur of the moment move, her fiancee snatched her away in the night, leaving a letter of challenge to Allegro, with instructions on where to find them... Naturally, Allegro rode out to rescue his sister -- but upon arrival, he found not one challenger, but four there waiting to ambush him. In the ensuing struggle, Allegro soon found himself on the losing end, but before the final blow could be struck, L'istessa managed to finish a spell... an experimental spell, to be sure, one that she hoped would simply take her and her brother home... but she hadn't quite gotten it right. Instead of simply transporting the two of them back to the safety of their manor, the very air tore itself asunder, creating a black void that sucked in everyone present... When the twins awoke, they were separated... They had appeared in very different places, with no idea of how to find one another at first. L'istessa wound up finding herself in trouble, as the first person she asked help from instead took her prisoner, apparently intending to sell her off as a slave to one of several potential buyers. Allegro meanwhile found himself in a much more rural locale, and with a few questions giving him a rough idea of his surroundings, he set out to find L'istessa. In the end, though it was a close call, Allegro did manage to find his sister and rescue her from a life of enslavement, but several problems still remained... They didn't know where they were. None of their surroundings made sense, the sights were different, the way people spoke were different, and the plants and wildlife were often wildly different from what they knew back home... And then there was L'istessa's fiancee, still out there somewhere and probably ready to pop back into their lives and cause them untold problems. For now, without a means to get back home, and no family to keep them apart however... The twins decided to make a new life for themselves in this strange new world while they figured out how to make their way back -- assuming they would even want to, once they knew how. [hr] And with that, we have our story. I know it was long, but I felt that some degree of backstory was not only useful, but potentially necessary to give you an idea of what I was looking for. I'm specifically looking to play the role of the twin brother in this setup. I'll almost certainly keep the name Allegro, but you're free to change the name of L'istessa to suit your needs. The general idea is that L'istessa, instead of transporting them home, instead transported them to another world... One that neither of them are particularly familiar with. We can both shape this particular world however we see fit, just try not to make it too alien for me to even wrap my poor old brain around. If you have questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to PM me with any of them and I'll be glad to address each accordingly.