The only sounds Rhazii made with his face down in his parents' embrace were soft, slow breaths from the back of his mouth, interrupted at times by deep sniffs. Fendros comfortingly rubbed his back. They were together for as long as was needed, which was a long time indeed. "Don't..." Rhazii began. "Don't sacrifice yourself, okay?" Fendros took a breath in and out. "You know we will be doing our utmost. Love you, little one." Rhazii, taller than them both, to speak over a whisper. "Love you father. Love you mother. Good hunting." Janius got halfway through "Me neither, son," before Julan began to shift. At this, he started to softly laugh. After the transformation, Janius regarded Julan's words by looking into his eyes to see any trace of distraction. He only saw Julan's hidden anxiety. Janius bowed his head and closed his eyes, sighing quietly. "You have. You've done so much to help us, and you will do so much more. But right now, you, Rhazii, and Narsi need to stick together. Just like you've done before." He risked placing a hand on Julan's shoulder. "You're a growing young man. Your time will come to hold burdens like we do. But, if all goes well, your burdens won't have to be as heavy. Isn't that right, my love?" He glanced to Kaleeth. "Oh, fuck you!" Narsi burst out, drawing everyone's eyes. She did not heed them. "I'll beat the shit out of every fighter under those damn rocks until I'm the best-" she jabbed a thumb at her chest. "-and [i]I'll[/i] be the one to haunt your damn ghost!" She brought up her fists. "Won't be able to overpower me well enough just as a ghost!" She punched Lorag ineffectually on his armour. "So you better live!" She punched with her other fist. "So I can beat you like I promised!" She had one more punch before her fist just stopped, pressed against the gut of his breastplate. She was baring her teeth and hissing growls in and out. She didn't realise the tears going down her cheeks halfway through her tantrum.