Take 2, this time with less mosh pitting… [hider=Ereun-Za, enraged] [b]Name:[/b] Ereun-Za [b]Primordial or Conceptual:[/b] Conceptual [b]Domain:[/b] Fire The flickering yellow ghost. A tool to many when in control, but made wild it is all consuming – eating life and drinking air in a greedy frenzy. Fire is an angry energy with no regard for itself or anything around it. This concept is not only a physical phenomenon combusting fuel and releasing energy. It is also an inherent instinct in all evolved life to mindlessly consume for sustenance and rage against all obstacles. [b]Portfolio:[/b] Ruination All artifice is brought low by one means or another. Once ruined, all its glory is humbled by its broken form. Ereun-Za holds the power to bring ruin to creations in its vicinity. He breaks buildings, crafts, bodies, tempers, and hearts alike. Broken things may be repaired unless utterly annihilated, but Ereun-Za’s power grants no such reparations through this portfolio. Things created with the power of ruination may only bring destruction. [b]Their Realm:[/b] The Swath The Swath is a shifting bed of soft dunes blasted by a never-ending, molten glass blizzard. An orange haze permeates through in some hint of a dawn or sunset, but no single source of light can be located except for the gouts of scorching fire that break up out of the sand to keep the blizzard moving. Scattered bricks and broken rusty tools stick out of the ground at dangerous angles, and breathless screams in the air prevent one from concentrating on anything but the pain of trudging through the blinding storm. [b]Persona:[/b] The internal state of Ereun-Za’s emotions is one of constant pain and frustration. Some deep element of his psyche keeps him emotionally compromised. It reacts to any attempt at interaction as a cruel trick and any expression of joy, happiness, or superiority as a dismissal of his pain. Because of this, his ability to reflect on his emotions and decisions is impaired by a paper-thin temper. And when his temper fails, it releases violent tantrums. To him, in such moments, everything is trying to cause him suffering. Everything is making things worse. It must be destroyed, if for nothing else than out of spite. While calling Ereun paranoid is true in a way, Ereun’s expression of this state of mind is actively aggressive. He rarely leaves tantrums without a new grudge that he persecutes to its functional destruction. His mind paradoxically opens up from his emotional blindness, but only in the capacity to scheme and reason ways to undermine the subjects of his grudges. He is not interested in reconciliation. He is not interested in healing his rage or fighting for an ideal. He is the incarnation of hate and bitterness with seemingly no remorse. Ereun’s ultimate goal, if it can be called that with how little he regards walking towards it, is to spread his tortured state upon all of Galbar until it is a grim reflection of his own realm the Swath. [i]IMPORTANT COROLLARY: Despite Ereun’s emotional turmoil, he is limited by experience, not his capacity to feel. He may change as he marches around Galbar on his selfish, hollow rage, though changes for the better will not come as easily as they are proposed.[/i] [b]Base Form:[/b] Ereun-Za the Yellow Ghost The usual form Ereun-Za takes is that of a lion with skin of bright, crackling yellow magma and a mane of billowing smoke. Each of his pawprints leaves a small flame behind him. His breath is hot enough to cause the air beyond his mouth to ripple, and when focussing this heat, dark blue-purple flames jet from every crevice. His eyes are perpetually wide and manic, looking out for the next slight against him. [b]Domain Form (Ruination):[/b] Vessel of Spite The Vessel of Spite is the form taken to inflict pure ruination. It is a massive tumbling meteor of burning rubble roughly thirty metres in diameter, flying with his will and forcing masses around it into a tornado-like helix to toss earth and water alike across the landscape. Thin jets of flame project in beams to incinerate points around it. [b]Avatar:[/b] The Grey Rider [hider=The approaching smoke on the horizon…][img] https://i.imgur.com/ReXvgAn.jpg[/img][/hider] The manifestation of Ereun-Za on Galbar is a single human-sized, softly smoking figure encased in grey, bony, spiny armour and riding on an equally grey horse that constantly sheds a fine ash. In the avatar’s right hand is a burning sword that wreaks destruction on all around it. He refers to himself as Ereun-Za, though his reputation spreads through his actions more than his speech. As such, his simple description, the Grey Rider, spreads like his fires. As if suppressed by the spiny grey coral that coats him, or perhaps as an adaptation to the influence of the surrounding Lifeblood, the Grey Rider’s outward behaviour is more reserved and contained than Ereun-Za in person. He not only exercises a certain level of patience, but his slow, seething voice resonates in a way that demands attention through chills and intimidation. For behind this barrier, the tantrums do explode outwards in small flumes of violence. When these outbursts occur, the Grey Rider’s voice splits into the disgusted shouts and jeers of an entire crowd bearing down from all directions. However, in lucid times, the Grey Rider manipulates the bitter and the betrayed to rise up in rage and blindly destroy their enemies, and the world that allowed them to exist. The Grey Rider’s horse is never far from the avatar, almost as if the two are one in the same being. The horse has no apparent name as the Rider never speaks to it or of it. The horse is as tough as the avatar, runs frighteningly fast, and can barge through buildings and beings like a siege engine. To traverse the skies, it sprouts a pair of bright, burning, wing-shaped flames from its shoulders, billowing smoke behind it. The wings are so bright that fires start around it from sheer radiant heat. [b]Musical Theme:[/b] [hider=Boiling Anger][center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1UhAJZABlU[/youtube][/center][/hider] [/hider]