The skiff was on the move, and Tyrael did his best to treat Lynn with what he could do. There was some salt tablets that Zastriel found but and some medicine, but he didn't know what they did. They looked like salves you'd use for wounds and some sort of green pill made of herbs, and he wasn't about to try and play doctor. She also found some more water, so Tyrael made sure to hydrate Lynn with both water and a little bit of salt water. While he was treating her he also noticed that she wasn't like any sylve that he's seen before. He didn't really think much of it before since he didn't pay attention to her, but now that they were so close he took notice how her ears. Frankly the tail and horn should've tipped him off too, but he just thought those were part of her dress, not actual parts of her body. But once he noticed all of these features together he realized why she collapsed when she did; this girl was suited for an aquatic environment, not the desert. Tyrael himself was more suited for a mountain, to deal with higher altitudes and needing sharp eyes, so this vast and largely empty desert took a tole on him as well. One would think that an it would be difficult to miss anything in an open desert but because it's so vast, everything just blends together after a while. He was truly fortunate to have Zastriel to be his eyes, as she was entirely unaffected by the conditions here. But this girl... Tyrael worried if this meager treatment would be enough. He tried to find more water but what they had was meant for drinking, not bathing, and there was no telling how long it'll take to get to Kalla. Tyrael couldn't afford to use up all of their water here to save Lynn. And... He wants to save her. Though she is a stranger, she and Grossk came to his aid for no reason. Frankly, Tyrael was the aggressor trying to rob the slavers, and yet they still aided him. Though Tyrael would not shed a tear if Lynn passes here, he did not want her to die. Which made him all the more frustrated as he could do nothing else. It was then that Gossk entered the room. What he said to Tyrael didn't make much sense at first, but he assumed that somehow Gossk knew how to help Lynn. Tyrael wasn't sure of their relationship, but presumably he knew Lynn better than Tyrael did. [color=00a651]"So be it, [abbr=Leather]Lakur[/abbr]. If you need anything I will be outside."[/color] Though Tyrael's pride wanted him to stay by Lynn's side, he knew there was nothing else he could do. However he did have Zastriel, still invisible, stay in the room on a small table. Telepathically he'd command her to watch over Lynn as Tyrael steps out and takes a deep breath. The skiff was moving quickly and the women seem happier with their freedom. Tyrael stood nearby, watching the horizon. Making sure no one else has the bright idea of trying to attack the skiff.