[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200129/2b530ba2297eea5b234b6eed58e3d1df.png[/img][/center] “Tread carefully, my friends.” Vah’lux turned to the others to be heard, her husky voice cutting through the ambient sound of the breeze rushing by. “Keep watch. Not only ahead, but under your feet as well. I suspect there may be other creatures lying in wait.” This wasn’t something unfamiliar to the Goliath living in the region she hailed from, as a handful of small and large creatures spent most of their days burrowed under the protection of the land from that of the unknown and very unpredictable surface. Not too often does it happen, but when said creature feels threatened enough, they will not hesitate to leap from their nests and strike at invaders. The large woman only hoped this was not one of them...